Chosen Since Before the Creation – Ephesians 1:4

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” – Ephesians 1:4

One important thing in life on this earth is feeling the feeling of being chosen. People will die for it and people will fight for it just for someone they treasure will choose them over something. In relationships, it is such a wonderful feeling if the person we love will always choose us above everything. For men, when they pursue a woman, they know that there are also other men who are trying to pursue that woman. So, once they get chosen to be their partner, it will be very rewarding for them and they will really treasure that person who chose them. Indeed it is very hard and a bad feeling to be part of the options of someone’s life and end up not to be chosen. However, it is such a wonderful privilege and very rewarding feeling if a person will choose us over anything. Thus, for some people, this euphoric feeling is worth the fight. 

Now, in our verse today, Paul wants to remind us that in our journey in this world to find the person who will choose us, is very irrelevant because we already have someone who chose us even from the start. Paul wants to remind us that God has chosen us since from the creation of the time. God has chosen us to be His and He has chosen us to be holy and blameless in His sight through Christ, For so many reasons, we fail to understand how much God loves us. We fail to understand how deep His love for us is because we are looking for something with our own definition of love. 

Most of the time we take for granted God’s love towards us. We fail to see that the love that we have been looking for since the beginning of our lives can only be found in Christ. We have been always finding someone to choose us but we are finding it in the wrong places. So, Paul wants to remind us and inform us that we should instead find what we are looking for in God. He has indeed chosen us since from the creation of time. 

However, this teaching has been widely misinterpreted because people will then raise the question that if God has chosen us, so that means that He did not choose those who have not come into the faith— which is entirely wrong. We must put into our minds that we all have free will. God’s salvation and His power to make us holy (set apart) and blameless is for everyone. So what’s the point of saying that He has chosen us if it is for everyone? We have to note that Paul clearly states there that God has chosen us in HIM, which means that God has chosen us in Christ. We are all chosen people, the chosen people are the people who believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, when Paul said that God has chosen us in Christ since the creation, God meant that He has chosen to save us (all of us who believe in Jesus) through sending His Son to the world so that we will become holy and blameless in His sight.

Now, we must understand that God has chosen us and that He has given all of us the opportunity to receive Him. We now know that someone has already chosen us and that someone has shown us importance and has valued. We need not to find it through entering many relationships just to find that person who will choose us but we can already find that in Christ who offered us eternal life in Him because of His grace. For indeed God has made us His first priority and has saved us from our sins. Oh what a beautiful message it is, that God has already chosen us since before the creation of the world. 

May this message be our call to accept Christ. Again, we have our own free will and that is why there are people who are still in darkness because they chose to not to believe in Jesus. We should always put in our minds that it is God who chose us since the beginning and that we don’t need anything apart from Him. The love we are looking for can be found in Him. We should always remember to praise Him and to give our lives fully to Him and believe in His death and resurrection. 

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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