Work of Christ – Romans 5:9

“Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!” – Romans 5:9

We all know how sinful we are. We can never deny that even the moment we wake up in the morning, we can already sin. Therefore, as sinful as we are, we really deserve eternal condemnation. Paul also clearly shows here how much we are in need of a Savior. How much we need Christ for our salvation and that only through the grace of God by faith in Christ we can have our redemption. 

We are now justified by the death of Christ. Even if we are sinful, we are unholy and we deserve eternal condemnation, we are now justified. Our justification did not come from our good works or it is not a merit for doing good. However, we have to realize that there is nothing we can do to ever deserve our salvation. We don’t deserve this justification. We don’t even deserve the mercy that God has constantly shown and showered us. 

This message might be a repeated message or sometimes we take this for granted because this is just what we hear always at church and most of Christians’ social media platforms. However, it is still better if we are always reminded of what is the true message of the Gospel. We have to always be reminded of how we acquire our salvation. Though, if one truly believes that one is saved, one also truly understands how the salvation was acquired. 

Thus, as Christians, we have to understand now and have to always be reminded of how we are justified. We are now indeed justified by the blood of Christ. We are now declared righteous and have declared ‘not guilty’ of anything because of the death and resurrection of Christ. Not because of all the good things we did, but only because of the shedded blood of Christ. Now, since we are already justified by Christ, we are too saved from God’s wrath through Him. 

Again, we are really deserving of God’s wrath. We are His creations and we are supposed to obey Him. We are supposed to walk like Him and be holy like Him but since sin entered the world and have tarnished everyone of us, we now delight in wickedness. We can never be called righteous because no one is righteous. Yet, since God is faithful, He is gracious and merciful, He is loving and existentially good, He chose to save us. Therefore, He had made our justification possible. 

We are declared righteous even if we are not. We are now righteous and set apart because God says so. We are not made righteous and holy because our good acts say so or because we claim to be, but it is because God says so. We are now declared righteous because of Christ and through Him also, we won’t receive the wrath of God but we will receive His salvation, His grace and blessings. 

Indeed that God is good and gracious for justifying us. Now, we must understand that Christ has indeed saved us and only through Him we can be justified. The dangerous part of knowing this is the ability for us to be so relaxed. We will then think that since we are already saved, we can continue sinning because God’s forgiveness is abundant. However, we also have to understand that indeed God’s forgiveness is abundant but He is also a holy God and He does not tolerate sins. We also have to check ourselves, if we truly understand what Jesus did for us, we will be changed people. We won’t delight in darkness but we delight in obeying God already. So, if we continue to delight in sinning, maybe we must really reassess ourselves if we truly believe in Christ’s salvation. 

Thus, we must always put in our mind that we are already justified by the blood of Christ. We are no longer subject to God’s wrath but His grace and mercy instead. Let us always remember that we are saved not because of our good works but because of Christ’s death and resurrection. We should always remember that we are only under God’s grace and mercy. We are in need of a Savior, so let us always go to God and pray for His salvation and mercy. 

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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