From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith

How far along are you in your spiritual journey? 

Are you a new Christian, just embarking on the path of faith, or are you one of those who grew up in the church, accepting salvation at a young age? 

Regardless of where you stand, you may have encountered something that has made you question your faith. 

If you had not personally experienced this, perhaps you know someone who is facing a similar dilemma or has already transitioned from being a believer to an unbeliever.

It is natural to feel perplexed and stressed when grappling with such matters. 

The confusion can be compounded by the fear of facing criticism or judgmental looks from those around you. However, you are not alone in this journey, and it’s essential to understand that questioning one’s faith is not as rare as it may seem. 

Many Christians find themselves in a similar position, and there are reasons behind their journey from belief to unbelief.

In this article, we will provide insights into why some individuals lose their faith in God. While not often discussed openly, such a dilemma affects a significant percentage of Christians.

A man who seems to be praying. (Photo by Jack Sharp from Unsplash)

What is faith

Before understanding the reasons, you must first grasp the concept of faith in God with a deep and open heart. 

Following this, the Bible doesn’t give an exact definition of faith, but it comes close in Hebrews 11:1, wherein the passage tells us that faith is all about having confidence and trust in the things unseen.

For example, when God promised Abram countless descendants, Abram believed Him, and God counted it as righteousness (Genesis 15:6).

Faith is not just a passive belief; it expresses itself in everyday life. In other words, it is not just about doing things out of duty; it is about doing your duties out of a genuine trust in God. 

Think of it as there’s a big difference between a husband who buys flowers for his wife because he delights in doing so and one who buys them out of a sense of obligation.

Moreover, faith holds immense significance because it’s how we have a relationship with God. Ephesians 2:8 says, 

“For by grace you have been saved through faith.”

By placing our faith in Him, we receive forgiveness for our sins and the gift of eternal life. 

In essence, faith means completely relying on who Jesus is and what He has done to make us right with God.

“God is faithful.” (Photo by Tony Eight Media from Unsplash)

Why do people lose faith in God

Since faith is essentially confidence and trust in God, it can be fragile, making it possible for even the most devoted Christian to lose their faith

Accordingly, losing faith is a complex matter, wherein there are various reasons for such a dilemma, depending on one’s knowledge about God and the current situation. 

However, here are the most common ones.

Overwhelmed by difficult spiritual questions

When you are overwhelmed by difficult spiritual questions, it can shake your faith. These deep, unanswerable questions may create doubts and make you question the foundations of your beliefs.

Disappointed with God

Disappointment with God, whether it is because you did not receive your desired outcome or experienced calamities like the death of a loved one, can lead to a loss of faith. 

Such pain and suffering may make it hard to reconcile with the idea of a loving and all-powerful God.

Unanswered prayers

Unanswered prayers can erode your faith over time. When you pray earnestly for something and it seems like God isn’t listening or responding, it can lead to doubt and a loss of trust in God’s presence.

Feeling abandoned by God

In relation to unanswered prayers, feeling abandoned by God, especially during challenging times, can cause faith to waver. 

When it seems like God is distant or indifferent to your struggles, it can be difficult to maintain your belief in His presence and care.

Confusion about which religion to belong

With so many belief systems and denominations, it can be challenging to know if you’re following the right path, leading to doubts and uncertainty.

Influenced to walk away

Sometimes, external influences can lead you to walk away from your faith. Peer pressure, societal norms, or exposure to different worldviews can all contribute to a loss of faith if you’re not rooted firmly in your beliefs.

A funeral. (Photo by Rhodi Lopez from Unsplash)

The shame that comes with losing faith

For Christians who find themselves losing their faith, seeking help can often come with a sense of shame or inadequacy

It may feel as though admitting doubt or questioning one’s beliefs is a betrayal of one’s faith. 

However, it is important to understand that these feelings are entirely valid and, in fact, quite common. 

Doubt is a natural part of the human experience, and faith can be a complex and ever-evolving journey.

What to do if you were losing your faith

Because faith in God holds significant importance, it’s crucial to address its absence as soon as you recognize it occurring in your life. 

Here are some ways that we suggest you try when you feel like you’re losing faith in God.

Voice your concern

If you felt like you were losing your faith in God, consider voicing your concern to your loved ones, trusted church mentors, and, most importantly, to God Himself. Sharing your doubts and struggles can help you find support and guidance.

Do not stop attending church

Even when your faith is wavering, don’t stop attending church. Continuing to be part of your church community can provide opportunities for spiritual growth and support from fellow believers.

Take a break and reconnect

Sometimes, it is helpful to take a break from your usual routine and reconnect with your spirituality and community. Engaging in activities that nurture your faith and spending time with like-minded individuals can help you regain your spiritual footing.

Reflect on others influence on you

Reflect on the influence of others towards your faith journey. Consider whether external factors or people are contributing to your doubts, and evaluate their impact on your beliefs.

Reflect on what’s making you lose faith and think of a way to address it

If you’re losing faith and can pinpoint the reasons, take time to reflect on what’s causing it. For example, if judgmental people at church were a source of distress, think about seeking solace in another place of worship that aligns better with your spiritual needs.

Journal your thoughts

Consider journaling your thoughts and feelings. Writing down your doubts, questions, and experiences can provide clarity and serve as a valuable record of your faith journey.

A pastor preaching. (Photo by Gracious Adebayo from Unsplash)

Retreat to God

Often, regaining faith in God comes with honesty. 

If you are experiencing doubts and uncertainties about your faith, the first step is to open up and talk to Him about it. 

God will not shame or condemn you for your doubts or questions. 

He meets you right where you are, in your doubt, resentment, and all the feelings you are grappling with. He is a loving Father who genuinely cares about your concerns. 

So, be honest with Him, because He can handle it.

Moreover, if you’re feeling lost, tired, or empty in your faith journey, know that Jesus came not only to fulfill God’s will but also to show us the Way.

With this, when you are struggling with your faith, turning to Jesus can provide guidance and direction. He can help you navigate the challenges and uncertainties you face.

More from Crossmap:

Friends and faith: What to do if your friend does not believe in God

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith.

By Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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