Why we should not trust our emotions

Have you ever made a snap decision based on how you felt in the heat of the moment, only to regret it later? 

Our emotions are powerful and can steer us in good and bad directions. 

Although emotions are a gift from God, they make life colorful and meaningful. But should we trust them unquestioningly?

Who has not been swept off their feet by a sudden wave of joy or sinking in the depths of sadness?

Emotions make us human; they’re the vibrant colors in the tapestry of life. God designed us with the capacity to feel deeply, and that’s a beautiful thing. 

However, here’s the million-dollar question: Should we trust our emotions to make decisions?

While our feelings can provide valuable insights, they can also steer us off course. It could be a bummer to think our emotions can betray us, but it’s worth looking closer.

Why we should not trust our emotions

We will discuss why relying solely on our emotions might not be the best idea. 

In this article, we will dig into what the Bible says and give some tips on making wiser choices. 

Emotions are a double-edged sword

A boy holding a sword. (Photo by 100 files from Pexels)Do you know how emotions can make life feel like a rollercoaster? 

One moment, you are up, and the next, you are down. This is because feelings are unique.

It makes us human and helps us connect with others. After all, God gave us emotions for a reason. They help us feel joy and love and even warn us when something is wrong.

Still, emotions are like a coin with two sides. On one side, they are super helpful. For example, feeling scared when you see a big, barking dog is your brain’s way of saying, “Hey, be careful!” 

On the other side, emotions can trip us up big time. Have you ever said something out of anger or envy and wished you could take it back? 

Bible warns us about trusting our emotions

An open Bible. (Photo by Joel Super from Pexels)Emotions are a gift, but they can also get us into trouble. They change quickly and can be set off by anything— like lousy traffic or waking up on the wrong side of the bed. 

So, while emotions are suitable for many things, making big decisions is not one of them. So, what does the Bible have to say about our feelings? 

Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” 

It says that just because something feels right doesn’t mean it is. Our feelings can trick us into making bad choices.

More so, Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” 

Our emotions, or our ‘hearts,’ can be super misleading. Sometimes, we think we’re doing the right thing but are way off track.

King David wrote many Psalms with his share of emotional ups and downs. But even he turned to God when things got tough. 

Besides Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was depressed and wanted God to take His burden. But despite His heavy heart, He still chose God’s way, not His feelings.

So, the Bible’s telling us, don’t just listen to your heart. Listen to God. 

Role of emotions in modern culture

A group of young people. (Photo by Sharefaith from Pexels)If you scroll through social media or watch TV, you often see people posting about following their heart, doing what they feel is right, and living the best life. 

All these messages make it sound like our emotions are the ultimate guide. It could be extremely tempting to buy into that idea.

Moreover, the culture we live in is all about instant gratification. We want to get what we want immediately. This is why so many people post things in the heat of the moment and then have regrets. 

Social media makes it easy to act impulsively without giving us time to think things through.

Furthermore, making decisions based only on how we feel now can have some bad outcomes. We could end up hurting someone we care about or ourselves in the long run. 

So, despite what the world tells us, relying only on our emotions isn’t a great plan.

Balancing emotions with reason and faith

A platform balance. (Photo by Cottonbro Studio from Pexels)So, how do we find that sweet spot between trusting our emotions and being smart about our choices? 

Well, the Bible has the best advice on that, too. It talks a lot about wisdom—knowing what’s right and then actually doing it. 

Wisdom is like the superhero sidekick that helps us control our emotions.

You also have the Holy Spirit as your guide. Ever felt that little voice inside you saying, “Hey, maybe think this through?” That is the Holy Spirit nudging you to pause and pray before moving.

Besides, never underestimate the power of prayer. Before making any big decisions, take a moment to talk to God. Ask Him for guidance and to help you see things. He’s always listening.

Also, you can ask your pastors or mature Christians in your church about your emotions. 

Sometimes, a fresh perspective can make all the difference. Your mom, your pastor, or a good friend might see something you don’t.

Thus, we should balance our emotions with wisdom, listen to the Holy Spirit, pray, and seek advice. Now, that is a recipe for better decision-making!

Practical tips for not relying solely on emotions

Not relying on our emotions could be very challenging. But the more we learn how to control them, the more peaceful life we could have. 

Here are some helpful tips for not relying on our emotions.

Hit the pause button

Whenever your emotions consume you, hit your pause button. Give yourself a minute, or even an hour or a day, to think things through. Quick decisions often lead to regrets.

We should not decide if we are too happy, angry, or sad. We cannot think clearly if our emotions consume us. So, it is essential to calm our hearts first to help us make decisions.

Talk to God

A quick prayer can often give you a whole new outlook on things. 

Ask God for His guidance, and listen for that small voice that helps you know the best path. The Holy Spirit who dwells in us will help us control ourselves. 

Thus, we should pray to God whenever we cannot handle our feelings.

Talk to someone you trust

Do not be a lone wolf. Ask for advice from someone you trust. Your best friend, grandma, or pastor might offer some wisdom you have not considered. 

Sometimes, another point of view can clear things up for you.

There is a good chance someone has faced a similar situation, and you can learn a lot from their choices.

Your emotions are not your boss

Emotions are great for many things—like laughing until your sides hurt or crying at a touching movie. 

However, when making important decisions, they should not be your boss. Remember, God gave us a whole toolbox for decision-making, not just our feelings. 

Emotions are a part of us, but they do not have to control us. With wisdom and help from above, you can make choices you’ll be proud of.

Let us balance our emotions with sound old-fashioned wisdom, a dash of prayer, and some solid advice.

Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Why we should not trust our emotions.

By Crossmap Blogs

Crossmap.com is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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