What Are You Missing?

FOMO, it’s a thing. In fact, Psych Central recognizes it as a valid mental disorder requiring therapy. While predominately connected to social media addiction, it seems its tentacles reach into other areas such as social gatherings, events, even the latest gossip or news. The constant question, “What Are You Missing?” drives most people to literal distraction.

In all of our fear of missing out, why do we not fear missing God in our efforts of capturing the best things life has to offer?

As I continue searching for God in the midst of my days, marveling at His wonders in creation, listening for His voice in the words of another, or simply beholding His likeness peeking out through the eyes of a loved one, a deeper desire for Him becomes evident.

Missing His Presence

Knowing the gift of His Presence became mine at the point of salvation, and goes with me wherever I go, (Deuteronomy 31:6) provides comfort in knowledge, but experiencing His manifest Presence within my days transforms my perspective.

When we settle for simple knowledge over experienced intimacy, we ultimately miss out on the fullness of His unfailing love and transcendent peace found in true connection.

Driven by the fear of falling short or missing some good thing, I pursue everything, which in reality is pursuing nothing.

woman in orange dress with white dots and straw hat holding book, sitting in lavender field

Yet, missing His manifest Presence seldom moves us to deeper seeking.

My recent time in the garden brought solace, but first the conviction of my failure to miss God’s Presence amid the busyness of my day brought necessary repentance to my wandering heart.

Missing the Point

Chagrined, I sat incredulous at the reality I created. Rather than choosing a few moments in my quiet garden simply communing with God, I chose instead to “get a few more things done”.

“Fear of falling short” on my accomplishments, seemed more important than intimacy with my Heavenly Father.

Recently coming across Mary Oliver’s poem, “Do You Have Time?”, I quietly reflected on its poignant message:

Oh do you have time
to linger
for just a little while
out of your busy

and very important day
for the goldfinches
that have gathered
in a field of thistles…
It could mean everything…

goldfinch on thistles

Her words spoke volumes about my priorities, about my missing the point. The real substance of life, the intentional choosing to capture the wonders of our lives through presence, gratitude, and loving well.

But not only loving others well, but loving God well above all.

“It could mean everything”…

In my fear of falling short, where is God? In your fear of missing out, where is God?

In all the fear of missing something, are we missing the grandest point of all?

What if the thing we feared missing most was an intimate relationship with the One who loved us enough to exchange His life for ours?

In Real Time

The invitation to the garden came quietly, but it came at the worst time.

goldfinch on coneflowers

Preparing to head out for an appointment, I felt rushed, yet compelled to comply. As I reluctantly wandered to the garden, reigning in my impatience, expectancy prepared me to receive what God offered.

But nothing short of complete surprise gripped my soul as I beheld five goldfinches descend on the dried coneflower heads in my garden eager to glean the remaining seeds.

Only two days after reading Mary Oliver’s poem, God made His point with rarely seen goldfinches in my own garden.

As if the sudden appearance of goldfinches were not impactful enough, their song serenaded me in the sweetest tones of any birdsong I had ever heard.

“One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.”

Psalm 27:4

Real time consists not in the moments spent accomplishing the day’s tasks, but in time spent in God’s presence. For in the beholding of God while communing in His temple, we change the trajectory of our days.

What are you missing? Could it be lingering with God in the midst of your busy?

It might mean everything…

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Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about What Are You Missing?.

By Crossmap Blogs

Crossmap.com is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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