The Triune God as Our Daily Supply is a Foretaste of New Jerusalem 41-3-1 last

Ephesians 4:4-6, “One Body and one Spirit…One Lord…One God and Father of all…”

The application of the New Jerusalem in its triune existence is described in Ephesians 4:4-6. These verses show how the church can exist with the Triune God—with the Father, with the Lord, and with the Spirit….The Bible is a book full of revelations and full of visions. We should not limit our under-standing of the Bible according to the ability of our mentality. Our mentality is too small. This is why Paul prays in Ephesians 1:17 that the Father would give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation, that He would open our inner eyes that we might see something. We need a vision to see how the Triune God can be our daily existence.*

We drink the Spirit, both now (1 Cor. 12:13) and then. The Spirit supplies us to live because of Christ, to live Him (Gal. 2:20). When He is our living, God the Father is over us and through us and in us in practicality.

In New Jerusalem the divine supply for this living comes from the throne in the river of life which conveys the tree of life. This river and tree are also with us today because they are a spiritual supply. The Spirit is not limited by time. Our living today, although hindered by our mortal body, our not-yet-fully-renewed mind, and the fallen environment around us, is nevertheless a foretaste of New Jerusalem.

From chapter 41, Witness LeeGod’s New Testament Economy, published by Living Stream Ministry, © Witness Lee, 1986

Photo courtesy of US National Park Service

Posted by Don on September 25, 2023

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about The Triune God as Our Daily Supply is a Foretaste of New Jerusalem 41-3-1 last.

By Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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