Why crying is ok in times of hardship

An image of a man crying. (Photo by Tom Pumford from Unsplash)

Throughout history, many have frowned upon public displays of emotion, particularly crying. There exists a societal stigma that suggests that shedding tears, especially in challenging times, is a sign of weakness or instability. 

You might have even heard phrases like “hold it together” or “stay strong.” Yet, delving deeper into our shared human experience, you will find that crying is ok. In fact, it is more than okay; it’s a natural and integral part of being human. 

Now, before you jump to conclusions or get lost in societal expectations, consider this: every individual, at some point in their life, has faced moments of sorrow or distress. In those moments, allowing oneself the freedom to cry can be both a release and a declaration of genuine feeling. 

So, as we embark on this exploration, let’s shed the preconceived notions and dive into understanding why, especially in times of hardship, crying is ok.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Crying

A grayscale photo of a woman crying while holding some flowers. (Photo by Ksenia Makagonova from Unsplash)

Have you ever felt a rush of relief after a good cry? You are not alone. There’s a tangible reason for this sensation. When we dive deep into the therapeutic benefits of crying, it becomes abundantly clear that crying is ok. In fact, it is more than just “ok” – it’s a crucial part of our emotional and physical well-being.

First and foremost, let’s address a common misconception. Many people view tears as a sign of weakness or instability. However, biologically speaking, crying is a way our body communicates and manages overwhelming emotions. When emotions swell, so does the need to release them. It’s similar to letting steam off a boiling pot. So, when tears flow, it is the body’s intuitive way of saying, “I’m processing something significant here.”

On a physiological level, shedding tears can be incredibly beneficial. Tears are not just water; they carry with them a mix of enzymes, oils, and antibodies. In times of emotional crying, our tears contain stress hormones. By letting these tears flow, we are, in essence, flushing out these stress-related chemicals. 

When you cry out of emotion, your body is actively reducing its stress levels. It is no wonder then that after a good cry, there’s often a feeling of release or lightness.

Moreover, crying triggers the body to release endorphins. These are the body’s natural “feel good” chemicals. They act as painkillers and mood enhancers. Have you ever felt strangely calm or even slightly euphoric after a bout of tears? That’s your body’s endorphin response in action. So, next time you feel the urge to cry, remember that you’re potentially setting the stage for a mood boost.

Of course, besides these physiological effects, there’s the emotional angle. Crying helps in processing emotions. Think of it as your mind’s way of doing a bit of housekeeping. It sifts through the complexities, processes the weighty stuff, and allows you to come to terms with your feelings. 

This is particularly important in situations of grief, loss, or disappointment. By understanding that crying is ok, you give yourself the permission to heal and find clarity amidst the chaos.

Biblical Perspectives on Crying

A person holding a rosary. (Photo by Isabella Fischer from Unsplash)

The vast expanse of human emotions captured in the Bible, from triumphant shouts of joy to the poignant whispers of despair. Yet, among these, crying holds a distinct place, revealing moments of vulnerability, humanity, and divine connection. Let’s delve deeper into the Biblical perspective to understand why crying is ok.

Crying as an Expression of Lament and Grief

Have you ever stumbled upon the Psalms? They’re a goldmine of raw emotion, encapsulating every sentiment from jubilation to deep sorrow. Consider Psalm 6:6: “I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.” This verse doesn’t merely tell; it paints a vivid picture of David’s profound sorrow. It’s a stark reminder that crying has always been a natural, and even therapeutic, response to pain.

Crying in the Face of Injustice

Now, moving forward, think of the prophets. Jeremiah, for instance, often referred to as the “weeping prophet.” He cried out against the injustices he saw, feeling the weight of the people’s waywardness. In Jeremiah 9:1, he exclaims, “Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people.” Jeremiah’s tears were an expression of deep empathy and a longing for righteousness, showcasing that crying is ok when confronted with the misdeeds of the world.

Jesus Wept

Of all the moments in the Bible, few are as poignant as when Jesus wept. In John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible, we’re told, “Jesus wept.” Two words, yet they convey an ocean of emotion. Jesus, fully God and fully man, cried at the death of his friend Lazarus. Here, crying wasn’t just an acknowledgment of sorrow; it was an affirmation of Jesus’ humanity and his profound connection with those he loved. If the Son of God found solace in tears, it’s a resounding testament that crying is ok.

Crying as a Prelude to Restoration

Often, in the Biblical narrative, crying precedes divine intervention and restoration. Take Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel 1. Deeply distressed by her barrenness, she wept bitterly before the Lord. Yet, it was in her tearful plea that God heard her cry and blessed her with Samuel. This theme isn’t isolated to Hannah. Time and again, from Hagar in the wilderness to the Israelites in exile, tears became a bridge to God’s promise and provision.

Crying in the Eschatological Hope

Lastly, let’s peer into the future. Revelation 21:4 offers a profound promise: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” This verse not only acknowledges the validity of tears but also offers the hope of a time when crying, borne out of pain, will be no more.

In conclusion, the Bible, in its wisdom and depth, provides a multi-faceted view of crying. It shows us figures, from mighty prophets to the Messiah, expressing their grief, joy, and pain through tears. So, whether you’re on a mountaintop or in a valley, remember that crying is ok. The Bible doesn’t merely tolerate tears; it dignifies them. As you reflect on these perspectives, may you find solace in knowing that your tears have both purpose and promise.

Embracing Crying as a Strength in Difficult Times

A person seems to be having a difficult time. (Photo by Claudia Wolff from Unsplash)

In modern society, there’s an often unspoken belief that crying, especially in public, is a sign of weakness. It’s as if tears somehow dilute one’s strength or diminish their resilience. But let’s reframe that perspective for a moment. Embracing the truth that crying is ok can indeed be a remarkable show of strength.

Firstly, confronting and openly expressing emotions, rather than suppressing them, requires genuine courage. Remember, everyone faces hardship. But it’s how you deal with these challenging moments that truly defines character. By acknowledging that crying is ok, you’re actively choosing to process your emotions in a healthy and genuine manner. It’s about authenticity, really.

Now, think about the relationships in your life. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, showing your true emotions, you pave the way for deeper connections. After all, in moments of vulnerability, there’s a shared sense of humanity, an understanding that we’re all navigating this journey together. Opening up to others, letting them see your tears, can break down barriers and foster a bond built on mutual understanding and empathy.

Moreover, allowing space for tears, be it your own or someone else’s, creates an environment of compassion and understanding. Just think about it. When someone confides in you, expressing their pain through tears, doesn’t it cultivate a sense of trust and closeness?

In conclusion, while society may sometimes see tears as a sign of frailty, it’s crucial to understand the strength that lies within vulnerability. Embracing the idea that crying is ok not only supports personal growth but also strengthens the bonds we share with those around us.

Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Why crying is ok in times of hardship.

By Crossmap Blogs

Crossmap.com is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.

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