God’s True Record

God’s True Record
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life,
and this life is in His Son.
1 John 5:11

Our God has left a record that has stood the test of time.
It has a central message both compelling and sublime.
Its purpose is to penetrate the secret inner thought;
Then as it finds a yielded heart, reveal the message brought.

The record has been left for us through many many years.
Though written by the hand of men, the mind of God appears.
If anyone should doubt that it is not completely true,
Then they must wait until the Day when all is brought to view.

Although some parts seem difficult and now irrelevant;
They nonetheless are coupled with a major world event.
Its pages are replete with stories everyone can read,
And verify the things contained for every human need.

It centres in a Person who is near to everyone.
He bore the sins of you and I and when His work was done,
The veil that separated us from God was rent in twain;
We now can enter into life and with our Saviour reign.

This book has been maligned but stands alone in history.
For unbelieving souls it still remains a mystery,
Until the Day arrives when they are judged for every thought,
And all the pride of humankind will fall and come to nought.

A Person will be waiting who was raised up from the dead.
We all shall stand before Him just as He Himself has said.
The only way we can escape from what we all deserve,
Is put our faith in Jesus Christ and thus our souls preserve.

By Maurice Dyson

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