Empty Heart

One night I read to my 6-year old girl about the story of creation from Genesis. She learned that there was nothing at all, but only darkness before God created all things and humans on this earth. Then, I asked her a question, “What do you think God’s heart was like before He created us?” Without a second’s hesitation, she replied, “He must have felt empty.”

Oh, that is absolutely right! God’s heart was empty before He created us. From the first day to the fifth day, God created light, blue sky, vast land and seas, all kinds of vegetation, stars, and all living creatures. He saw everything was GOOD. (Genesis 1:4; 1:10; 1:12; 1:21; 1:25) Finally on the sixth day, He created man and woman. When He saw us, He said, “Oh, I am VERY happy!” His last piece of work was not just good but VERY GOOD! (Genesis 1:31) He heart was not empty any more but was filled with joy.

When God did not have us, His heart was empty. Because He loved us, He created us. The emptiness that was once in His heart was replaced by overflowing love.

Dear friends, do you have an empty heart? If then, fill your heart with God and His love.

“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” (Psalms 42:1 NIV)

By Christy Tran
Bible Portal Contributor

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