A Parent’s Prayer

Dear God,

You’ve chosen me to cherish and nurture these precious children of Yours.
You’ve entrusted them to my care.

It is an unspeakable blessing and fearful responsibility to bring them up in Your love
and teach them to know Your ways.

I want to be a good parent, but I need Your help.
Give me the patience to endure the challenging moments.
Help me love my children unconditionally, just as You love me.

Remind me to always view my children with Your eyes.
May Your goodness and mercy fill me, that it may overflow into my family.

Thank You for being the best Parent for me to look up to.
I know You will also mold me more and more into Your image.
I pray to raise my children to honor You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer Written by Bible Portal Staff


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