Abiding for a Fruitful Life – John 15:4

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” John 15:4 ESV

In our journey in living life affirmed and consoled by the grace of God, we desire to live a fruitful life and the only way is to abide. In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ showed a perfect illustration of what it means to have a fruitful life. He compares himself as the vine, and we are the branches. The branches cannot bear a fruit nor even have healthy leaves without a stable vine where its beauty and fruitfulness stems from. For indeed, Jesus Christ is the only vine that does not make its branches dry, Him being our source of everything, we are assured that no matter what the season is, we will bear fruit, contrary to attaching ourselves from temporal vines that lasts only for a season and loses when its time is done.

The world offers a wide variety of vines, but as we entrust the Lord as our vine, we can experience triumph over darkness, we can smile and remain joyful in our suffering, we can be steadfast in our trials and we can love even when we don’t receive it back from others, which ultimately ripens and allow us to bear spiritual fruits that makes us stable, sure and live on earth as sons of God. Today if you feel dry, ask the Lord Jesus to lead you as him being your vine.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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