“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. John 10:10b.
Come into God’s loving arms, the only arms can give everything both temporary and eternal. Our Lord Jesus Christ invites all people to come. He offers a beautiful life, abundant life that no one can give. He can provide your needs, not by the riches of this world but according to his glorious riches. This is a supernatural blessing that only God can give. He made this big offer because he can give it to the fullest. A life in Christ is amazing, he can give what the world cannot give. The riches that we acquired from this world are nothing but ashes, but the riches that he gave us are eternal.
To live in abundant life here on earth are the manifestations of God’s goodness, love, mercy, and grace. God, intentionally invite you to come to Him that you may have life and have it to the full. This invitation is a rear invitation that even the most famous person in the world cannot afford to invite you because he also cannot afford to give this kind of life. This life is available any time, it has no expiration, it is an unlimited offer. What are you waiting for?
Life in Christ is more precious than a diamond. He is the solution to all the problems we have. He will give the desires of our hearts if we delight ourselves into him. Whatever we do will prosper and be successful if we meditate the word of God day and night. Prosperity and success in life are the most wanted areas of a person’s life, praise God, he can give them to those who come in him.
Do not think you are not worthy of all these things. God is not a man that he can change his mind, if he speaks, will he not fulfill? He is faithful and true, and his words are living and active. Do not focus on your failure, shame and sin instead look up to him, he is full of grace, love and mercy. He is mindful of you. Come! Into God’s presence and enjoy abundant life. No worries, no judgment, and no condemnation. Come! Believe in him, and experience new life in Christ. In Jesus Christ’ name you are abundantly blessed.