An Ancient Source of Wisdom

All Truth is God’s Truth – St. Augustine (A.D. 354-430)
All Truth is God’s Truth
- Including the stinging truth spoken by someone who dislikes me.
- Or truth which knocks down my cherished but mistaken ideas about life.
- The truth which acts like a mirror, revealing a hidden, ugly side of my nature.
Even when I don’t completely understand the science which is enriching my life, if it’s how the world works, it’s God’s truth too.
Am I Believing any Lies?
One key way to detect deception in ourselves is when we start assigning the worst motives to people we disagree with.
Hear me clearly; only the Lord knows what’s going on in a person’s heart. We don’t.
Our pride spikes. We become convinced we have a lock on The Truth. Morally, the world becomes very black and white. There’s less compassion and mercy toward unbelievers. We stop being willing to give anyone on the other side the benefit of the doubt.
We even forget there are Christians on the other side.
Our love grows cold, Toward other believers who disagree with us, there’s sudden anger and discord. Sounds like the enemy, doesn’t it?
My Spiritual Point
As Christians, we worship the One who calls Himself “The Way, The Truth and the Life” (John 14:6-9 NIV). In contrast, Jesus called Satan “the Father of Lies” (John 8:44 NIV).
We need to be humble enough to know we can be deceived.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the lies we’re believing. Because the more lies we believe, the less effective we are in living out our true calling to glorify Jesus and to make Him known.
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Editor’s Note: I’m posting All Truth is God’s Truth five days early, because I won’t have time this weekend to write.
Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about All Truth is God’s Truth.