Another Trip Around Needed?

Photo by: TheDigitalArtist via Pixabay

Are you tired of sand in your britches? Do you long for an exit out of your desert? Do you honestly recall how you got there in the first place? Could it be because you did not take God at his word? You struggled to believe what He whispered into your spirit by his Spirit? So you didn’t obey in faith?

The good news is, you’re not the first. The bad news is you may have to make another trip around Mt. Sinai. God is waiting for that sand to do its job. To irritate you about your current situation so much that you give in. Until you are willing to surrender to his will. To take him at his word and go where He wants you to go. To do what He wants you to do. To say what He wants you to say.

Obedience to God opens doors. It defeats your enemies. It opens the door for God to meet your needs. Why? Because obedience pleases God! I think He gets excited and says to himself, “Oh, this is going to be fun!”

The better news is you don’t have to be prepared first before you start. You only have to be willing. He will train you and equip you either before you go or as you go, but regardless, if you lean on him, you will know what to do in every situation. If you can’t see the answer, then ask God for it.

There have been many times God has asked me to go, do, say. And I didn’t think I could, but I did it. In his strength, not mine. And when I obeyed, it always worked out. God proved himself faithful over and over. Stop ignoring what God has made you to do. Stop believing the lie that living life on your terms is going to bring you true happiness. Go with God. Go, do, and say. If you do, you will never look back with regret!

This blog was inspired by reading Psalms 106 from The Message translation.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady.

Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Another Trip Around Needed?.

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