What are the Ten Commandments?

In the Old Testament the Ten Commandments (also known as the Decalogue) is uniformly referred to as “the ten words” (Exodus 34:28 margin; Deuteronomy 4:13 margin; Deuteronomy 10:4 margin), or simply as “the words” spoken by God ( Exodus 20:1; Exodus 34:27; Deuteronomy 5:22; Deuteronomy 10:2 ), or as “the words of the covenant” (Exodus 34:28 ). In the New Testament they are called “commandments” (Matthew… Continue reading What are the Ten Commandments?

Why Is Jesus Called the “Son of Man”?

Of all the titles commonly used of Jesus in the New Testament, ‘Son of man’ was the one most used by Jesus himself and least used by others. It hardly occurs at all outside the Gospels ( Acts 7:56; Revelation 1:13; Revelation 14:14), and inside the Gospels is used almost solely by Jesus. Jesus is referred to as… Continue reading Why Is Jesus Called the “Son of Man”?

Waiting on an answer to your prayer? 9 Bible verses to assure you that God hears you

We can often make the mistake that if God doesn’t answer our prayers with a “yes”, or if He doesn’t answer them in good time, then He hasn’t answered them at all – and isn’t planning to either. After all, the problem that we’ve prayed and prayed for Him to fix remains unresolved so surely… Continue reading Waiting on an answer to your prayer? 9 Bible verses to assure you that God hears you

Who were the Philistines?

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Philistines were a celebrated people, who inhabited the southern seacoast of Canaan, which from them took the name of Philistia, Psalm 60:8, 108:9 ,or Palestine.

What is the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible?

The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer the Lord Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. The former passage has been more influential in the later history of the Lord’s Prayer, but the latter seems to give it in a more historical setting. Prayer occupied an important place in the life and the teachings of Jesus.… Continue reading What is the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible?

Who was Abdon the Judge in the Bible?

Ab´don ( עבדּון , ‛abhdōn , perhaps “service”; Ἀβδών , Abdō̇n ) was one of the Judges of Israel mentioned in the Book of Judges (Judges 12:13–15). He was the son of Hillel the Pirathonite, a member of the tribe of Ephraim. He was preceded by Elon of Zebulun. He judged Israel for eight years, B.C. 1233-1225. His administration appears to have been peaceful; for nothing is recorded of him but… Continue reading Who was Abdon the Judge in the Bible?

Five weird Bible animals – but did they really exist?

There are some very strange animals mentioned in the Bible. Some of them are obviously imaginary, others are mistranslations (the King James Version is a good source for these) while others are real creatures described in a poetic style. Odd animals in the KJV include dragons, unicorns and cockatrices. Dragons are mentioned in Isaiah 43:20 and Micah 1:8. The Hebrew… Continue reading Five weird Bible animals – but did they really exist?