80 Names and Titles of Jesus Found In The Bible

1. Advocate,  1 John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2. Almighty,  Revelation 1:8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is… Continue reading 80 Names and Titles of Jesus Found In The Bible

Who was Elon, the Judge of Israel?

Elon (Hebrew: אֵילֹן‎ ʼĒlōn, “oak”), which also translated as “Ahialon” in other translations, was the eleventh of the Hebrew judges. He held office for ten years (Judges 12:11-12 ). Elon was a member of the Tribe of Zebulun. He was preceded by Ibzan of Bethlehem, and succeeded by Abdon of Ephraim. The whole period covered by their administration was twenty-five… Continue reading Who was Elon, the Judge of Israel?

What does “Hallelujah” mean?

hal – ē̇ – loo´ya ( הללוּ־יהּ , halelū – yāh , “praise ye Yah”; ἁλληλουιά , allēlouiá ): Originally the word ‘hallelujah’ was a combination of parts of two Hebrew words, meaning ‘praise’ and ‘Jehovah’ (‘Yahweh’). It has been transliterated into Greek and English as ‘hallelujah’ and means ‘praise the Lord’. It was used mainly to open or close hymns of praise in public worship ( Psalm… Continue reading What does “Hallelujah” mean?

Categorized as Bible Q&As

9 Bible verses for those occasions when you can’t bear your burden alone

It’s impossible for us to do everything, to solve every problem that we have, and try as we might we regularly reach this conclusion. Whether it’s taking on too many demanding responsibilities in our social life or overextending ourselves financially, there comes a point when it all gets too much. The inability to deal with… Continue reading 9 Bible verses for those occasions when you can’t bear your burden alone

Who was Ibzan of Bethlehem in the Bible?

Ib’zan (אבצן , ‘ibhcān,  to Shine, hence Illustrious;) was the tenth judge of Israel, one of the minor judges, following Jephthah. His account is recorded in Judges Judges 12:8-10. He came from Bethlehem, probably the Bethlehem in Zebulun ( Joshua 19:15 ), 7 miles northwest of Nazareth. He had 30 sons and 30 daughters an evidence of his social importance and arranged their marriages.… Continue reading Who was Ibzan of Bethlehem in the Bible?

5 Bible verses for everyone spending Christmas on their own and away from loved ones this year

Christmas is a very lovely time of the year, a time we spend with family and people that matter to us. Some people, however, are unable to spend Christmas with family for some reason, and the loneliness that they feel just makes the cold weather colder for them. Friends, are you spending Christmas on your… Continue reading 5 Bible verses for everyone spending Christmas on their own and away from loved ones this year