7 awesome Bible verses that can be used for family Christmas cards

Writing to friends and family at this time of year is a tradition worth keeping; but as well as a great way to keep in touch and fill loved ones in with what has been going on in your life over the previous year, why not provide some spiritual encouragement? Whether to your Christian friends,… Continue reading 7 awesome Bible verses that can be used for family Christmas cards

What Does the Name “Jesus” Mean? Matthew 1:21

Matthew 1:21 ESVShe will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” The name that should be given: Thou shalt call his name Jesus, a Savior Jesus is the same name with Joshua, the termination only being changed, for the sake of conforming it to… Continue reading What Does the Name “Jesus” Mean? Matthew 1:21

Heading off on holiday? Here are 9 Bible verses to read before you go

It might not look like it if you’re looking out your window in the U.K., but summer is here. The season is one of the most popular times for travelling as sun seekers and culture vultures set out to top up their tans and broaden their horizons (literally and metaphorically). Travelling can be wonderful, but… Continue reading Heading off on holiday? Here are 9 Bible verses to read before you go

John MacArthur: The Theology of Christmas (Philippians 2:5-11)

To put it mildly, Christmas is a little bit confusing to the watching world, I’m pretty sure. I never really get over that. Year after year, I’m struck by the paradoxes of Christmas, the strange juxtaposition of Christianity and a kind of carnival mentality, the humility and poverty of the stable confused with the wealth… Continue reading John MacArthur: The Theology of Christmas (Philippians 2:5-11)

Who was Herod in the Bible?

Several rulers bearing the name ‘Herod’ feature in the New Testament . Chief of these was Herod the Great, from whom the other Herods took their name. The prominence of the Herods had its origins in the confusion and corruption associated with Rome’s rise to power just before the opening of the New Testament era. Herod the… Continue reading Who was Herod in the Bible?

Simeon and Anna: How Did They Recognize Jesus the Messiah?

Luke 2:25-38 Even when he humbles himself, still Christ has honor done him to balance the offence of it. That we might not be stumbled at the meanness of his birth, angels then did him honor; and now, that we may not be offended at his being presented in the temple, like other children born in sin,… Continue reading Simeon and Anna: How Did They Recognize Jesus the Messiah?

Pastors urge congregations to see the ‘darkness,’ ‘waiting’ of Christmas season

Lonely women sitting on the the sofa at home during christmas

While many consider December a time of winter celebrations, presents and parties, some pastors are urging their congregations to focus on the “darkness” and the waiting of the Advent season. As Advent celebrates the season of preparation for the Nativity of Christ at Christmas, it’s often a time for pastors to preach on what the… Continue reading Pastors urge congregations to see the ‘darkness,’ ‘waiting’ of Christmas season