How can I show appreciation to my pastor?

Answer: Showing appreciation for your pastor is a good thing. He needs to be appreciated, and, what’s more, he needs to know he’s appreciated. There’s a difference. If your appreciation for your pastor is never expressed, then it’s hard for him to know that you actually harbor good feelings about him. Many churches observe the month… Continue reading How can I show appreciation to my pastor?

5 Bible verses to remember What Christmas is about

Turkey and trimmings, gifts under the tree, fun with friends and family; Christmas is the season we let ourselves kick back and indulge, and it’s easy to lose sight of who it’s really about. Here are five verses to stay centered on the true meaning of the season. She will give birth to a son,… Continue reading 5 Bible verses to remember What Christmas is about

Pastor Robert Morris – What’s So Amazing About Christmas?

When God became man, the Creator became the creation. He became human to take our sins upon Himself. When Jesus died, we were freed from the power of death. When He came to life again, He guaranteed our eternal destination. It is the most amazing story ever told! Key Scriptures: Matthew 1:18–23; Isaiah 7:10–14 God… Continue reading Pastor Robert Morris – What’s So Amazing About Christmas?

5 Signs That You’ve Lost the Essence of Christmas – and How to Get It Back

Christmas is an ironic mix. On one side is a meaningful season of celebration to remember and commemorate the birth of Christ and the gift of life. On the other side is a commercialised holiday where presents, gifts, sale, shopping sprees and travel discounts rule the decision-making process. The deeper roots of Christmas have been… Continue reading 5 Signs That You’ve Lost the Essence of Christmas – and How to Get It Back

Gifts For Christ – Why Did the Magi Bring Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh?

Matthew 2:11 ESVAnd going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. Legends have been busy with the wise men. In the early days eastern tradition said that there were twelve of… Continue reading Gifts For Christ – Why Did the Magi Bring Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh?