What does Immanuel mean?

i – man´ū̇ – el ( עמּנוּ אל , ‛immānū’ēl ): The name occurs but 3 times, twice in the Old Testament (Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 8:8), and once in the New Testament (Matthew 1:23). Meaning ‘God with us’, the name ‘Immanuel’ was given at first to a child born in the time of Ahaz, king of Judah (735-716 BC). The birth and… Continue reading What does Immanuel mean?

Categorized as Bible Q&As

Robert Morris – The Seven Words Of Christmas

This weekend, Pastor Robert shares a very special Christmas message about “The Seven Words of Christmas.” As he goes through seven prophetic words given around Jesus’ birth, you’ll discover that no matter what you’re going through this Christmas, you can experience salvation, favor, blessing, guidance, joy, redemption, and peace. 1. Salvation (Zacharias) Luke 1:67-69 NIVHis… Continue reading Robert Morris – The Seven Words Of Christmas

3 things Christians should do in preparation for Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching, and as of now many Christians around the world are thinking of ways to celebrate it: reunion with family, a tall and bright-lighted Christmas tree inside the home, and a dinner table complete with sumptuous food. Many of us think of celebrating Christmas that way. Many of us also forget, however,… Continue reading 3 things Christians should do in preparation for Christmas

Who was Jephthah in the Bible?

Jephthah (pronounced /ˈdʒɛfθə/; Hebrew: יִפְתָּח, Yīftāḥ, “opened,” or “opener,” probably signifying “Yahweh will open”), was the ninth Judge who presided over Israel for a period of six years (Judges 12:7), following the leadership of Jair. His account is recorded in Judges 11:1-12:7. A Son of Prostitute and an Outlaw King Jephthah lived in Gilead, on the east side of the River Jordan. His father’s… Continue reading Who was Jephthah in the Bible?

3 tips to help you share the Gospel effectively this Christmas

Christmas is the time when all the world knows that Christ has come. Although some might deny it and instead use simple non-Christian greetings like “happy holidays” or “season’s greetings,” the fact and truth remain the same: Christ came as God’s provision for our salvation. So, we should grab the opportunity to share the Gospel… Continue reading 3 tips to help you share the Gospel effectively this Christmas

Why do Matthew and Luke have different Nativity stories?

We all know the Christmas story as told in the Gospels. Mary and Joseph travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem where they find shelter in a stable because there’s no room at the inn. There Jesus is born and the shepherds, angels and wise men visit before Mary and Joseph have to escape Herod and flee… Continue reading Why do Matthew and Luke have different Nativity stories?

Incarnation: What Did Jesus Do? – Understanding the Work of Christ with R.C. Sproul

So often, we think of the work of Christ as something that began when He was baptized in the Jordan River around the age of thirty. In reality, however, the work of Christ began in eternity past in the covenant of redemption. In this lecture, Dr. Sproul explains how the humiliation of Christ in His incarnation and crucifixion, and the exaltation of Christ in His resurrection and ascension are both grounded in the eternal covenant among the persons of the Trinity.

What’s the History Behind Gift-Giving on Christmas?

One of the most well-known and religiously kept traditions of the Christmas season is the giving of gifts. But when did this practice start and what prompted it? Is it really something worth doing or is its background call for us to stop practicing it all together? The most popular notion is that the tradition… Continue reading What’s the History Behind Gift-Giving on Christmas?