Jacob’s experience at Bethel

Genesis 28:10-19     This is a story about Jacob, later renamed Israel. This scene is a turning point for Jacob who realizes his position through it. Jacob finds himself alone in the desert after having fled from his outraged brother, despite having just received a tremendous blessing from his father. We see quite a lot… Continue reading Jacob’s experience at Bethel

Categorized as Bible Study

The Armor of God: What is the readiness from the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15)?

Ephesians 6:15 KJVAnd your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; And your feet shod – There is undoubtedly an allusion here to what was worn by the ancient soldier to guard his feet. The Greek is, literally, “having underbound the feet;” that is, having bound on the shoes, or sandais, or whatever… Continue reading The Armor of God: What is the readiness from the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15)?

The Armor of God: What is the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14)?

Ephesians 6:14 NIV14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, And having on the breast-plate – The word rendered here as “breastplate” θώρἀξ thōrax denoted the “cuirass,” Lat.: lorica, or coat of mail; i. e., the armor that covered the body from the neck to the… Continue reading The Armor of God: What is the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14)?

God wants you to be happy: 10 Bible verses on laughter

We think quite highly of laughter. And so we should. According to researchers its health benefits are clear. It can reduce stress hormones, increase the “good” kind of cholesterol and decrease the inflammation of our arteries. A good giggle doesn’t just have a positive impact on our physical health, it’s also proven to do wonders… Continue reading God wants you to be happy: 10 Bible verses on laughter

What to say when someone says the Bible can’t be trusted

“Did God really say…?” “Show me the evidence for God and I will believe” is the claim of the unbeliever, quickly backed up with, “there is/can be no evidence which cannot be explained by science”. Last week we showed that far from science providing evidence against God, it points to him. We also saw that Christians… Continue reading What to say when someone says the Bible can’t be trusted

Feeling unclean due to past sin? Let these Bible verses help you rediscover God’s power to cleanse

We know that sin can be damaging to those who are sinned against but, with regards to the spirit of individuals, some of the greatest impacts and consequences of sin are felt by the sinner themselves. The act of sinning can stir up all kinds of emotions. Initially we may experience pleasure, a rush as… Continue reading Feeling unclean due to past sin? Let these Bible verses help you rediscover God’s power to cleanse