Life of Apostle Paul – Early Influences

Paul’s original name was Saul. He was a full-blooded Jew, born in Tarsus in south-east Asia Minor ( Acts 9:11;  Acts 22:3;  Philippians 3:5). He inherited from birth the privilege of Roman citizenship ( Acts 16:37;  Acts 22:26-28), and he grew up to speak, read and write Greek and Hebrew fluently ( Acts 21:37;  Acts 21:40). The Greek influence in his education… Continue reading Life of Apostle Paul – Early Influences

Who was Othniel, the First Judge in the Bible?

Othniel (Heb. Othniel’, עָתְנַיאֵל Lion Of God; Sept. Γοθονιήλ ) was the first judge or regent of the Hebrews after the death of Joshua. He was the son of Kenaz, the brother of Caleb, of the tribe of Judah. (Joshua 15:17) Conquered Debir Othniel is first mentioned in Joshua 15:17, when conquered Kiriath-sepher, later known as Debir, in the territory… Continue reading Who was Othniel, the First Judge in the Bible?

Five ways to help young people engage with the Bible

A recent LifeWay research report published in the States earlier this month identified regular Bible reading as one of the top 10 factors that help young people keep the faith as they grow into adulthood. In fact, the report identifies reading Scripture as the most significant indicator of ‘spiritual health’ among young people. It’s important to keep this finding in… Continue reading Five ways to help young people engage with the Bible