Let Them Thank The Lord for His Steadfast Love

Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man! – Psalms 107:8 ESV If we complained less, and praised more, we should be happier, and God would be more glorified. Let us daily praise God for common mercies – common as we frequently call them, and… Continue reading Let Them Thank The Lord for His Steadfast Love

What are place, time, and circumstance of Prayer?

Place While no restriction is suggested at any period (cf. e.g.  Genesis 24:12-13, Jonah 2:1, Psalms 42:6; Psalms 61:2, Daniel 6:10, Luke 6:12, Acts 16:24-25; Acts 21:6 ), and is disclaimed by Christ in view of true worship ( John 4:21-23 ), yet naturally specific worship-centers were regarded as appropriate: thus in early times Shiloh, where the ark rested (… Continue reading What are place, time, and circumstance of Prayer?

‘Do Not Fear:’ Bible Verses and Inspirational Quotes About Confidence

Courage can be hard to find. In a world of constant competition and comparison, it can be easy to become nervous, afraid and want to run away from it all. The Bible is full of people wrestling with this human weakness, our own struggle to get up and be confident. Can confidence be found within… Continue reading ‘Do Not Fear:’ Bible Verses and Inspirational Quotes About Confidence

How to Give Thanks in Everything?

in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Being unthankful is the very essence of the unregenerate heart. The apostle Paul identified unbelievers as ungrateful: “For even though they knew God [through conscience and general revelation], they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but… Continue reading How to Give Thanks in Everything?

What Ever Happened to Thanksgiving? – Dr. Charles Stanley

Depictions of the Pilgrims who founded our country often include someone kneeling and praying, giving thanks to God. But in today’s world, we often find ourselves rushing through the holiday season, neglecting to set aside consistent time to celebrate God’s goodness, love, and mercy. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley reminds us that genuine thanksgiving and… Continue reading What Ever Happened to Thanksgiving? – Dr. Charles Stanley

Christ in the Vessel

“Let us pass over unto the other side” (Mark 4:35). Even when we go forth at Christ’s command, we need not expect to escape storms; for these disciples were going forth at Christ’s command, yet they encountered the fiercest storm and were in great danger of being overwhelmed, so that they cried out in their… Continue reading Christ in the Vessel

What are the different kinds of prayer?

1. Ejaculatory, by which the mind is directed to God on any emergency. It is derived from the word ejaculor, or dart or shoot out suddenly, and is therefore appropriate to describe this kind of prayer, which is made up of short sentences spontaneously springing from the mind. The Scriptures afford us many instances of ejaculatory prayer,… Continue reading What are the different kinds of prayer?

10 Bible Verses To Remind You You’re Precious To God

A friend of mine has a brilliant illustration he uses when talking to young people about their worth in God’s eyes. He gets them to imagine that a new, one-of-a-kind work of art painted by Picasso, Van Gogh or Monet has been found. He then gets them to think about how far people would travel… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses To Remind You You’re Precious To God