Who was Luke in the Bible?

According to evidence from early records, Luke was a Gentile who was born in Antioch in Syria. By profession he was a doctor (Colossians 4:14), but he also became a skilled historian. His most memorable writing was a lengthy account of the development of Christianity from the birth of its founder to the arrival of its greatest… Continue reading Who was Luke in the Bible?

5 Bible verses to comfort you when you feel let down by the people you love

Being let down hurts, most especially when it’s by the people we love. Being abandoned, rejected and betrayed by your spouse, family and close friends is something that nobody in this world would want to experience ever in their entire life. Sadly, we all experience this one way or another. The Bible says that our God… Continue reading 5 Bible verses to comfort you when you feel let down by the people you love

Who Was The Man From Macedonia in Acts 16?

Acts 16 picks up the narrative of Paul’s second missionary journey. Paul’s plan was to visit and strengthen the churches he had planted in the Asian province of Galatia during his first journey (Acts 15:36). After finishing up in the region of Galatia, the Apostle Paul and Timothy had planned on preaching the gospel in Asia-Minor,… Continue reading Who Was The Man From Macedonia in Acts 16?

Lord’s Prayer Series: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory

Matthew 6:13b KJVFor thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Thine is the kingdom – That is, thine is the reign or dominion. Thou hast control over all these things, and canst so order them as to answer these petitions. Thine is the power – Thou hast power to accomplish what… Continue reading Lord’s Prayer Series: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory

God’s Greatest Gift: 10 Bible Verses About Love

In his book The Four Loves, CS Lewis distinguishes between different kinds of love given different names in Greek, but all translated the same way in English. He talks about family love, friendship, erotic love and the greatest of all – unconditional, giving love, ‘agapé’ in Greek. The Bible has something to say about every kind… Continue reading God’s Greatest Gift: 10 Bible Verses About Love

Lord’s Prayer Series: The Defense Against Temptation ( Matthew 6:13 Continued)

Matthew 6:13 NIVAnd lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. We have thought of the attack of temptation; let us now assemble our defences against temptation. (i) There is the simple defense of self-respect. When Nehemiah’s life was in danger, it was suggested that he should quit his work and… Continue reading Lord’s Prayer Series: The Defense Against Temptation ( Matthew 6:13 Continued)