Let these 10 Bible verses on light drive the darkness out of your day

Light has long been symbolic of good and it has many other positive connotations including hope, life and warmth. We talk of “the light at the end of the tunnel” and people “lighting up rooms” – on the one hand referring to hope and on the other, joy. In a literal sense it helps us… Continue reading Let these 10 Bible verses on light drive the darkness out of your day

The Best Beloved – Charles Spurgeon Classical Sermon

“Yea, he is altogether lovely.” — Song of Songs 5:16 No words can ever express the gratitude we owe to Him who loved us even when we were dead in trespasses and sins: the love of Jesus is unutterably precious and worthy of daily praise. No songs can ever fitly celebrate the triumphs of that… Continue reading The Best Beloved – Charles Spurgeon Classical Sermon

Who was Molech / Moloch in the Bible?

Molech (or Moloch, Milcom) was the national god of the Ammonites, whose land bordered Israel’s territory east of Jordan. A well known feature of the worship of Molech was the sacrifice of children by fire, a practice that in Israel carried the death penalty ( Leviticus 18:21;  Leviticus 20:2-5;  2 Kings 23:10;  Jeremiah 32:35). When Solomon married an Ammonite wife,… Continue reading Who was Molech / Moloch in the Bible?

Lord’s Prayer Series: God’s Kingdom And God’s Will (Matthew 6:10 Continued)

Matthew 6:10 KJVThy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. From what we have already seen it becomes clear that the most important thing in the world is to obey the will of God; the most important words in the world are “Thy will be done.” But it is… Continue reading Lord’s Prayer Series: God’s Kingdom And God’s Will (Matthew 6:10 Continued)

Who was Timothy in the Bible?

Timothy (Tĭm’O-Thy, Τιμόθεος, Honoring God), also called Timotheus, was one of the best known of Paul’s companions and fellow-laborers. He was of Derbe or Lystra, both cities of Lycaonia (Acts 16:1, 14:6). His father was a Greek, but his mother a Jewess (2 Timothy 1:5, 3:15). The instructions and prayers of his pious mother and grandmother,… Continue reading Who was Timothy in the Bible?

Life of Apostle Paul – Second Missionary Journey

Apostle Paul’s second missionary journey is recorded in Acts 15:36-18:22. It took place from 49 AD to 52 AD. The second missionary journey began with an unfortunate disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, which resulted in their separation, Barnabas going to the island of Cyprus, and Paul to the mainland. (Acts 15:36-40) The apostle chose as his… Continue reading Life of Apostle Paul – Second Missionary Journey

Lord’s Prayer Series: God’s Kingdom And God’s Will (Matthew 6:10)

Matthew 6:10 Let your Kingdom come: Let your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth. The phrase The Kingdom of God is characteristic of the whole New Testament. No phrase is used oftener in prayer and in preaching and in Christian literature. It is, therefore, of primary importance that we should be clear… Continue reading Lord’s Prayer Series: God’s Kingdom And God’s Will (Matthew 6:10)

3 Bible verses to encourage those who are being oppressed

God hates oppression. The Bible tells us that God’s people, Israel, always experienced oppression from various oppressors; and He always showed Himself mighty to save and delivered them from time to time. Hope for the oppressed God remains the same today – He still hates oppression. He hates how some people enslave others, how some… Continue reading 3 Bible verses to encourage those who are being oppressed