Lord’s Prayer Series: The Prayer For Reverence ( Matthew 6:9 Continued)

Matthew 6:9b: hallowed be your name. Is there, then, one word in English for giving to God the unique place which his nature and character demand? There is such a word, and the word is reverence. This petition is a prayer that we should be enabled to reverence God as God deserves to be reverenced.… Continue reading Lord’s Prayer Series: The Prayer For Reverence ( Matthew 6:9 Continued)

Who was Abaddon / Apollyon in the Bible?

Abaddon, or Apollyon ( A-Bâd’Dŏn or A-Pŏl’Yŏn ). The former name is Hebrew and the latter Greek, and both signify The Destroyer. The word is only found in the New Testament in Revelation 9:11. Revelation 9:11 KJVAnd they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek… Continue reading Who was Abaddon / Apollyon in the Bible?

Categorized as Bible Q&As

Why Biblical Christianity Is Intolerable in an Age of “Tolerance”

In these postmodern times, tolerance is the supreme virtue of the public square. Tolerant people can be broad thinkers, open-minded, and charitable to every worldview—every worldview, that is, except biblical Christianity. The authoritative demands of Jesus Christ are beyond the threshold of postmodern tolerance. In this postmodern era, one virtue is esteemed above all others:… Continue reading Why Biblical Christianity Is Intolerable in an Age of “Tolerance”

Who was Theophilus in the Bible?

The name Theophilus were mentioned only in two verses in the Bible, Luke 1:3 and Acts 1:1. Luke 1:3 NIV: With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, Acts 1:1 NIV: In my former book, Theophilus, I… Continue reading Who was Theophilus in the Bible?

John 3:16 is the world’s most popular Bible verse, according to digital survey

John 3:16 is the world’s most popular Bible verse, according to a digital survey by World Vision.  The verse reads, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The globe study reviewed data from the Keyword Explorer Tool at ahrefs.com to find… Continue reading John 3:16 is the world’s most popular Bible verse, according to digital survey

Lord’s Prayer Series: The Hallowing Of The Name

Matthew 6:9 Hallowed be your name. “Hallowed be Thy name”–it is probably true that of all the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer this is the one whose meaning we would find it most difficult to express. First, then, let us concentrate on the actual meaning of the words. The word which is translated hallowed is a… Continue reading Lord’s Prayer Series: The Hallowing Of The Name

Gratitude | Sermon by Tony Evans

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