What’s the most common word in Scripture? Five facts you might not know about the Bible

Even Bible nerds need to kick back every now and again. But in case you’re looking for some new trivia to use over the Easter weekend, here are some fun facts about the Bible, courtesy of Bluefield College, Virginia. Andrew Lawrence, an associate vice president for online and distance education, has researched a number of… Continue reading What’s the most common word in Scripture? Five facts you might not know about the Bible

Why you should avoiding cherry-picking verses when reading the Bible

The Word of God remains the most powerful tool that Christians have for living lives victorious. The Bible stands as our reproof and edification in building up our faith in Jesus Christ who all scriptures point to. If a believer wants to maximize His call and His growth in the Lord, they must learn to… Continue reading Why you should avoiding cherry-picking verses when reading the Bible

Who was Barnabas in the Bible?

Bar´na – bas ( Βαρνάβας , Barnábas , “son of exhortation,” or possibly “son of Nebo”): Son Of Exhortation, or Of Prophecy. The surname of Joses, a Levite; a native of the isle of Cyprus, and an early convert to the Christian faith. He was a companion of the apostle Paul, and had a large share in the labors and sufferings which attended… Continue reading Who was Barnabas in the Bible?

7 Bible verses on how God provides us shelter amid the storms of our lives

It seems as though each day we’re confronted with one horrifying tragedy after another. We turn on the TV, radio or scroll down the newsfeeds on our phones and there it is, another unarmed black man shot dead by the police; another “lone wolf” terrorist wreaking devastation; another humanitarian crisis. All these dire events deserve… Continue reading 7 Bible verses on how God provides us shelter amid the storms of our lives

3 Bible verses for when you feel confused and don’t know what to do

At times we’re happy, at times we’re sad. There are times, however, when we really feel confused and don’t know what to do with our lives anymore. Some people who go through these “wilderness experiences” think or feel like they’ll last forever. They think that life is pointless, their lives purposeless, and their planning for… Continue reading 3 Bible verses for when you feel confused and don’t know what to do

Your Grace is An Ocean

 When I feel lost and alone, so far from home sometimes When I am lost in the dark, there is a light that shines Grace so much greater than all of my failures, so vast, so wide You bury my sorrow, raise me to follow and never die,   Jesus, Your grace is an ocean… Continue reading Your Grace is An Ocean

Who was Baal in the Bible?

Bā´al̀ ( בּעל , ba‛al ; Βάαλ , Báal , or Βαάλ , Baál ): The Babylonian Belu or Bel, “Lord,” was the title of the supreme god worshiped in ancient Canaan and Phoenicia. Baal is also associated with Aaherah, inaccurately translated “THE GROVE” or “groves” (Judges 3:7; 2 Chronicles 33:3; 2 Chronicles 34:4; 2 Kings 23:5-6). Baal means lord, in the sense of owner, possessor; but Αdown means lord, master. The Hebrew… Continue reading Who was Baal in the Bible?