Pollution of Idols, Fornication Strangled, and Blood in Acts 15:20

Acts 15:20 KJVBut that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. Pollutions of idols – The word rendered “pollutions” means any kind of “defilement.” But here it is evidently used to denote the flesh of those animals that were offered in sacrifice… Continue reading Pollution of Idols, Fornication Strangled, and Blood in Acts 15:20

Who was Titus in the Bible?

Titus ( tı̄´tus, Τίτος , Tı́tos) was an early Christian teacher, missionary and church leader, one of the apostle Paul’s most trusted companion and fellow-laborer. He was a Greek, thus Gentile (Galatians 2:3), born probably in Antioch or its neighborhood, and converted to Christianity perhaps by the Apostle himself (Titus 1:4). His name does not occur in the Acts and elsewhere… Continue reading Who was Titus in the Bible?

I urge you to keep up your courage Acts 27:22

This message zooms in on the storm that Paul and the passengers encountered on their ship voyage to Rome (Acts 27). The apostle’s calm disposition as the ship rolled in swelling waves is a prime example of faith which resonates with the story of Jesus who peacefully slept during a violent storm in the Sea of Galilee. … Continue reading I urge you to keep up your courage Acts 27:22

Why ‘Bible bashing’ is not a very good way to win people

We can make the mistake in thinking that transforming people entails hitting them bluntly with scriptures and the laws laid down in the Bible, all in the hopes that they will get some sense knocked into them. But the way God brings transformation involves no form of human effort whatsoever and a whole dose of… Continue reading Why ‘Bible bashing’ is not a very good way to win people

Prayer for Forgiveness

Prayer for Forgiveness Heavenly Father, Forgive me for having a small heart. I need to be occasionally reminded of how much You first loved and forgave me. You canceled a heavy debt that I could have never paid and freed my soul. Now it sings melodies of joy. As I have received Your mercy freely,… Continue reading Prayer for Forgiveness

Who were the Nephilim in the Bible?

nef´i – lim ( נפילים , nephı̄lı̄m ): This word, occurs only in the plural form, translated “giants” in the King James Version, but retained in the Revised Version (British and American), is found in two passages of the Old Testament – one in  Genesis 6:4 , relating to the antediluvians; the other in  Numbers 13:33, relating to the sons of Anak in Canaan. In… Continue reading Who were the Nephilim in the Bible?

8 Bible verses to assure you that God really is watching over you

Our world can at times be scary. With so much violence and uncertainty we can feel vulnerable and confused. Some people jump to the conclusion that God has abandoned them when things go wrong in their personal lives but He is always with us. If we feel alone during our time of need, instead of… Continue reading 8 Bible verses to assure you that God really is watching over you