Life of Apostle Paul – First Missionary Journey

Paul’s first missionary journey is recorded in Acts 13-14. As persecution in Jerusalem increased, Christian believers fled and dispersed throughout the region. Thus Antioch in Syria became a quickly growing church. In approximately AD 47, while the church in Antioch was fasting and worshipping, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul [Paul]… Continue reading Life of Apostle Paul – First Missionary Journey

Jesus the Peacemaker – What does it mean?

Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemaker, For they shall be called sons of God ( Matthew 5:9 NKJV).” In other words, we can not be blessed if we are not the peacemakers.  Reconciliation by Jesus with God  Jesus became the peacemakers between God and us by shedding his blood and death. “For if when we… Continue reading Jesus the Peacemaker – What does it mean?

Who was Gamaliel in the Bible (Acts 5)?

Gamaliel was a celebrated Pharisee, a Jewish rabbi, a doctor of the law, and member of the Sanhedrin (highest Jewish council)  in the early times of Christianity. He intervened in the trial of Peter and the other apostles ( Acts 5:33-39). He is also represented by the Apostle Paul as his early teacher before the conversion of the… Continue reading Who was Gamaliel in the Bible (Acts 5)?