Do We Have Authority to Forgive Sin?

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. (Matthew 6:12) Opheilema (debts) is one of five New Testament Greek terms for sin. Hamartia is the most common and carries the root idea of missing the mark. Sin misses the mark of God’s standard of righteousness. Paraptoma, often rendered “trespass,” is the sin of slipping or… Continue reading Do We Have Authority to Forgive Sin?

Categorized as Bible Q&As

Why Names Are So Important In The Bible – And So Is Yours

Names are deeply important to human beings, a crucial way of understanding not just the world around us, but each other. A surname roots us in history and family tradition, while first names establish more particular identity and personality; you may become quite attached to your name, or you may wish you were called something… Continue reading Why Names Are So Important In The Bible – And So Is Yours

Categorized as Bible Q&As

Only God can restore our souls.

Question: “How can I restore my soul?” Answer: The only biblical passage that contains this phrase is Psalm 23:3: “He restores my soul.” This is in the context of the Shepherd who leads His sheep to “green pastures,” “quiet waters” and “paths of righteousness.” As Christians, we are the sheep of God’s pasture (Psalm 100:3), and… Continue reading Only God can restore our souls.

Categorized as Bible Q&As

Why did Jesus call the Canaanite woman a dog?

In Matthew 15:21–28, Jesus encounters a Canaanite (Syrophoenician) woman who begs Him to cure her daughter. Jesus initially refuses her request by saying, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs” (Matthew 15:26). Taken out of context, and especially in English, it’s easy to mistake this for an insult.… Continue reading Why did Jesus call the Canaanite woman a dog?

5 Bible Verses for Maintaining a Healthy Body

The Bible states numerous times that a healthy body leads to emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Here are five inspirational Bible verses for maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. 1) 1 Corinthians 6:19-20“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are… Continue reading 5 Bible Verses for Maintaining a Healthy Body

What can we learn from the prayers that Jesus prayed?

The prayers Jesus prayed give us insight into His nature, His heart, and His mission on earth. The prayers of Jesus also inform and encourage us in our own prayer lives. Far more important than where He prayed, when He prayed, and in what position He prayed is the fact that He prayed. The theme… Continue reading What can we learn from the prayers that Jesus prayed?

What the Bible says about grumbling may surprise you

Spiritual conversion involves saying “Yes” to Jesus as the Holy Spirit works the miracle of the new birth, (John 1:13; 3:5-6), while spiritual maturity involves consistently “saying ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions” (Titus 2:12). Christians are “saved by grace through faith,” (Ephesians 2:8) and Christians grow as “God works in you to will and to… Continue reading What the Bible says about grumbling may surprise you