Why is there an entire book of the Bible dedicated to romantic love?

 Some people believe that the subject matter of the Song of Solomon—romantic love—is not a very noble theme. Some try to allegorize the book in order to provide it with a “higher” or more “spiritual” purpose. But what is “low” or “unspiritual” about the love between a husband and wife? The Song of Solomon is… Continue reading Why is there an entire book of the Bible dedicated to romantic love?

Is suffering for Christ always part of following Him?

The short answer to this question is: yes, suffering will always be a part of following Christ. 2 Timothy 3:12 says that “all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” Jesus was hated and suffered greatly, and as His followers, we will experience the same: “If the world hates you, know… Continue reading Is suffering for Christ always part of following Him?

Categorized as Bible Q&As

5 Bible verses on how a Christian woman should dress

How should a Christian woman dress is one of the subjects of heated debates amongst Christians. How modest is modest? What did the Bible say about appropriate dressing? What’s acceptable and what’s not? Modest dressing isn’t just for when you go to church; its how one dresses every day. The worldly women may have taught… Continue reading 5 Bible verses on how a Christian woman should dress

Top 10 Kisses in the Bible

When Christians talk about kissing, you normally hear the words “before marriage” in the conversation. Kissing is mentioned all throughout the Bible, but rarely in the Hollywood way Americans are used to. Rather than romance, Scripture portrays kissing as a sign of love and respect for one another. Only one of these top 10 is… Continue reading Top 10 Kisses in the Bible

When prayer is hard: 10 Bible verses to help you talk to God

Christians pray – it’s what we do. But sometimes we don’t feel like it, sometimes we wonder what it’s achieving, and sometimes we just don’t know how. Here is a framework for prayer based on the word ACTS: Adoration: begin by remembering who God is and praising him for his creation and redemption. Confession: admit that you… Continue reading When prayer is hard: 10 Bible verses to help you talk to God