Why are there times when God seems absent in a believer’s life?

Question: “Why are there times when God seems silent / absent in a believer’s life?” Answer: In answering this question, one is reminded of Elijah and his flight from Jezebel. Elijah was a man of God whom God used to do some mighty things. However, when word reached him that Jezebel had threatened his life, he… Continue reading Why are there times when God seems absent in a believer’s life?

Categorized as Bible Study

8 Bible verses on the importance of self-examining your spiritual life

Have you ever been concerned about a health issue, looked up your symptoms on the Internet and been horrified as you self-diagnose a rare condition, curable only with invasive or elusive treatments? Did you also find yourself relieved but equally mortified when a visit to a health professional revealed that you didn’t just fail to… Continue reading 8 Bible verses on the importance of self-examining your spiritual life

Why Does The Bible Repeat Itself?

The Bible, obviously written by inspiration of God, interestingly has many repetitions that make many readers ask “why?” If God is so perfect and all that He does has a purpose behind it, then why did God allow the Bible to have numerous repetitions? Purposeful repeating The Bible contains various repetitions inside its pages. Many… Continue reading Why Does The Bible Repeat Itself?

Categorized as Bible Q&As

Who was Ethan the Ezrahite in the Bible?

Ethan the Ezrahite is the songwriter-author of Psalm 89. The title of that psalm says it is “a maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite.” In addition to Psalm 89, Ethan the Ezrahite is mentioned in 1 Kings 4:31 as a wise man, yet not as wise as King Solomon, who “was wiser than anyone else, including Ethan the Ezrahite.” 1 Chronicles… Continue reading Who was Ethan the Ezrahite in the Bible?

Does Satan have to ask for God’s permission before he can attack us?

Does Satan have to ask for God’s permission before he can attack us? Job 1 and 2 describe Satan requesting permission from God to attack Job’s life. Based on these chapters, some believe Satan must ask God for permission to attack us spiritually. Is this true? Though Satan requested permission in Job’s case, there is… Continue reading Does Satan have to ask for God’s permission before he can attack us?

Categorized as Bible Study