7 Bible Verses That Will Give You The Boost You Need When Having a Bad Day

Are you having a bad day? Need something to give you a clear head and make you feel better? Well, you don’t have to look further than the Bible. The Bible has great verses and scripture quotes to help Christians brighten up and reflect on their attitudes. These Bible verses are good to share with… Continue reading 7 Bible Verses That Will Give You The Boost You Need When Having a Bad Day

What Does the Bible Say about shyness or being shy?

The Bible doesn’t specifically address shyness, but God does say He wants us to interact with people through serving them, discipling them, and telling them the good news. Some people develop shyness because they place too much importance on what other people think of them. They retreat and decide, actively or passively, to not interact… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about shyness or being shy?

7 Bible Verses That Will Inspire You With No Fear

These inspirational readings provide an overview of God’s endless love and power that reaches far, far and beyond. Trusting God leads to hope and knowing that peace and joy are yet to come is inspiring. These Bible verses support his daily renewal of love. Another powerful Bible verse asks us to lose our fear, be… Continue reading 7 Bible Verses That Will Inspire You With No Fear

Is God Opposed to Pleasure?

Question: “Is God opposed to pleasure?” Answer: Some people imagine God as a cruel task master opposed to all fun or pleasure. To them, He is the God of all-seriousness or the God of rules. But this is not an accurate, biblical picture of God. God created us with the ability to experience pleasure. Several Scriptures speak… Continue reading Is God Opposed to Pleasure?

5 Bible Verses That Will Motivate You and Give You an Extra Push

Sometimes we have those days when we just feel down and need something or someone to give us a push and get us going. There is no better person to turn to then to God. These five Bible verses will give you that extra push you need: 1. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I… Continue reading 5 Bible Verses That Will Motivate You and Give You an Extra Push