The Old Has Gone, the New is Here – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Believing in Jesus means freedom from sin, re-birth and salvation. Newly created people are restored to the image of God, becoming more and more like Christ Jesus. New creations love Jesus, understand Jesus’ love,… Continue reading The Old Has Gone, the New is Here – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Our Father in Heaven

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…” Matthew 6:9  We don’t know how to pray. This is our sorrow and limitation. The Lord is here to teach us to pray. Meditate on the meaning of this Lord’s Prayer a hundred times and look at it from all angles.… Continue reading Our Father in Heaven

Follow Jesus Till The End

In many nations in the world today;    In parts of Asia and the Middle East,    It’s considered a crime to follow Jesus;    Christians cannot live in peace. Some communists, Hindus, and Muslims     Hate the Christian Way.    They don’t want Christians in their land;    A sad state of the world… Continue reading Follow Jesus Till The End

What Does The Bible Say About Encouraging Others?

When we listen to someone’s difficult situation, we may also feel burdened. It’s difficult to encourage others with our own power. When the Holy Spirit is with us, we can encourage others. We shouldn’t have a mindset of indifference even if we cannot provide any help or solution. Have the heart of listening and understanding… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Encouraging Others?

A Parent’s Prayer

Dear God, You’ve chosen me to cherish and nurture these precious children of Yours. You’ve entrusted them to my care. It is an unspeakable blessing and fearful responsibility to bring them up in Your love and teach them to know Your ways. I want to be a good parent, but I need Your help. Give… Continue reading A Parent’s Prayer

God’s Standard of Judgment

Matthew 25: 31-46   This is the last parable about judgment. Judgment is inevitable to come. Are we living our daily life with the awareness of it? Judgment is like a shepherd separating his sheep from goats. This is a parable based on an agricultural background that Israelites could readily understand. Sheep and goats differ… Continue reading God’s Standard of Judgment

What Does The Bible Say About Bearing False Witness?

When confronted by power, visible profit and love, people sometimes commit a sin and stand for falsity. In the Bible, bearing ‘false witness’ is included among the seven things that God detests. When small lies add up , we become less sensitive and numb to sin, and this results in greater sin. We must not be dull toward… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Bearing False Witness?