What Does The Bible Say About Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Christians have the desire to receive the Holy Spirit and work with its power. However, we can be mistaken in understanding the Holy Spirit correctly. The word of God tells us the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. We also can find what kind of fruits we have to bear… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Empty Heart

One night I read to my 6-year old girl about the story of creation from Genesis. She learned that there was nothing at all, but only darkness before God created all things and humans on this earth. Then, I asked her a question, “What do you think God’s heart was like before He created us?”… Continue reading Empty Heart

What Does the Bible Say about Building The Church of God?

People of faith in the Bible gathered and worshiped God in temples and churches. Churches are not only buildings but also refers to Jesus Christ, ourselves and gathering of believers. It’s a great honor to build the church of God. The following Bible verses tell us about building the church of God. For where two or… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Building The Church of God?

Confess and Believe In Jesus

One of the most difficult things,That we are called on to do,Is to admit we are sinners;To our own selves be true. We can’t keep on living a lie,By saying we’re good,That we do nothing wrong,That we live like we should. It takes courage to say,We don’t always do right.We can lie to ourselves,But we… Continue reading Confess and Believe In Jesus

12 Bible Verses about Bad Leadership

Whether it’s small or large, organizations have leaders to lead the members. The members live in peace or in affliction according to the leadership. Let’s read the following verses to to know what the Bible says about bad leadership. Matthew 23:2-7 NIV2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be… Continue reading 12 Bible Verses about Bad Leadership

Top 10 Bible Verses about Assurance of Salvation

Our spirits sincerely long for salvation and rest from the Lord.  Satan’s scheme is to shake the assurance of salvation, put our spirit into anxiety, and isolate us from God. Do you feel anxious? Have you lost conviction of your salvation for any reason? Let’s hold on to the words spoken by Jesus and the… Continue reading Top 10 Bible Verses about Assurance of Salvation