Blessed to Be a Blessing

God always wants to know how you’re going to use the gifts, talents, skills and resources He has given you to advance His kingdom program, and if there is little or no concern for His kingdom you just cut off your blessing. Speaker: Tony Evans

We Exist to Make a Difference

Deuteronomy 8:18 Moses said, God has given you the power to make wealth to fulfill his covenant, it’s about a kingdom purpose, it’s okay to benefit from a kingdom purpose as long as you don’t lose the kingdom purpose in the process of benefiting, because when you do that you lose your destiny. Your destiny… Continue reading We Exist to Make a Difference

Pray for Healing with Faith

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 Speaker: Rick Warren

God Promised All Things Work Together for The Good

To those who love Him God works together all things for the good. (Romans 8:28) There is an ABC applicaton. 1. All things happen to Christians. Christians’ circumstances are no better than anybody else’s. The terrible things also happen to people who love God. 2. When things work together for good in your life, it’s… Continue reading God Promised All Things Work Together for The Good

The Secret To Victory In Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is all about maintaining the victories that Jesus has obtained. Jesus obtains your healing, your deliverance, your freedom, your prosperity whatever it is. Your job is to realize it and believe He’s obtained it, you maintain it. Speaker: Creflo Dollar, Priscilla Shirer Music: Whitesand – Melody of Dreams