You Never Run Alone

In the 1992 Barcelona Olympics there was a British athlete, a runner, sprinter named Derek Hammond who was potential favorite in the 400 meter race. And he got off to a very good start and midway through the race, he ruptured his hamstring, fell to the ground. Every Olympic dream crushed knowing he didn’t have… Continue reading You Never Run Alone

Wake Up and Pray!

Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down, and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not… Continue reading Wake Up and Pray!

Jesus is all I need

In the midst of a tender moment,While I seek having You ever more,I seize and respond to Your calling,Your waves billow onto my shore. I drift in Your water, it soothes me,I proclaim it is all that I need,I bask in the wondrous breaking,Of Your healing and tender springs. The water is ever rising,But I… Continue reading Jesus is all I need

He is my source of strength

I feel the breath of life spring forth,I sense it is time to grow,I must ascend to a higher course,Where living waters flow. The climb may take a rocky turn,But God will see me through,He gives me hind’s feet, swift and sure,I’ll not be tripped or moved. His well, my source of strength awaits,To quench,… Continue reading He is my source of strength

Jesus is our Gift of Love and He never turns anyone away

Love was born at Christmas! On Easter Love was transformed, empowered, and deposited in each one of us. The same Love that brought Jesus to the cross, dwells in us. The power of Love that never ends, that sets the captives free, that brings us from hell to the streets of gold, It lives on!… Continue reading Jesus is our Gift of Love and He never turns anyone away