The Morocco Earthquake: Natural phenomenon or a sign of End Times? On the night of Friday, September 8, a seismic upheaval of magnitude 6.8 suddenly unleashed its fury. Thousands of residents in the numerous villages scattered across Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains were either retiring for the evening or already lost in slumber.  As of September 11, CNN reports, “More than 2,800 people have been killed… Continue reading The Morocco Earthquake: Natural phenomenon or a sign of End Times?

The Privileged Life: Flying on Broken Wings

“He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” (Psalm 91:4) How could I make a plane crash? That was the question I pondered as I worked on research for my novel about a Russian test pilot flying a MiG-9 fighter jet. I have limited… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Flying on Broken Wings

Guest Post: Don’t Lose the Essentials – Enjoying the Journey

Dr. Charles Keen has served as a faithful pastor, Bible teacher, author, Bible publisher, and missionary statesman. We are happy to call him a friend. This good man has been a constant encourager to those who are engaged in the work of the gospel. This article from his pen will be a challenge for all… Continue reading Guest Post: Don’t Lose the Essentials – Enjoying the Journey

The power of support: Family and community in addiction recovery

A young man emerged from rehab determined to break free from his addiction to drugs and alcohol. However, he faced profound loneliness as he returned to a world he barely recognized. Abandoned by friends and with strained family ties, he embarked on a challenging journey to sobriety. Returning home, he found unexpected warmth from his… Continue reading The power of support: Family and community in addiction recovery

Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater

Do you have a friend who is cheating on their partner? The question that weighs on your mind is this: Should you confront them about it or simply pretend it is none of your business?  As a Christian, you are likely grappling with the moral dilemma of how to handle this situation in a way… Continue reading Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater

Seeking Glory: 9 Quotes on Ambition, Honor and Praise – Joyfully Pressing On

“We grow small trying to be great.” E. Stanley Jones He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by persistence in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.  Romans 2:7 My Facebook posting had hit a new low. I posted mushrooms.  The few acres of forest… Continue reading Seeking Glory: 9 Quotes on Ambition, Honor and Praise – Joyfully Pressing On

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Bible It’s the kind of step that makes you want to sit down. You are about to be asked to do something that is way out of your comfort zone, and the easiest thing to do would be to say no. Back away. Avoid the risk… For me, saying “yes” rarely means that I have the confidence it… Continue reading Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Sunday Stillness – How do we become sound in the faith? – Growing Through God’s Word

Sunday Stillness – How do we become sound in the faith? I am continuing to study Titus using the SIMPLE Method of Bible Study and Ed Hird’s book Restoring Health. Today I am working through Titus 1:13,14. To learn more about this Bible Study go to my Bookstore. Of course, I start with a prayer for God to open the Scripture… Continue reading Sunday Stillness – How do we become sound in the faith? – Growing Through God’s Word

What’s in a Name? – Denise Pass

Photo Judges 13:18 “The LORD’s messenger said to him, “you should not ask me my name, because you cannot comprehend it.”” Psalm 148:13 “Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory [is] above the earth and heaven.”  Proverbs 30:4 “Who has ascended into heaven, and then… Continue reading What’s in a Name? – Denise Pass