Women leading the early church?

By Elizabeth Prata It’s spiritually grieving to see so much false teaching and wrong doctrine on Twitter (AKA “X”). Satan certainly does use social media to his advantage, doesn’t he. One flavor of wrong doctrine these days has to do with women’s roles in the church. Feminism since the 1960s has crept into the church… Continue reading Women leading the early church?

Sheep Who Stray Become Prey

The Stray Sheep I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands. (Psalm 119:176 NIV) Sheep who wander away from a good shepherd also leave the flock behind as well. They become stray sheep, alone and defenseless against many predators. Some sheep do stray by accident. But others are… Continue reading Sheep Who Stray Become Prey

The Gospel is about sharing the word of God.

The Gospel is about sharing the word of God.  By Babatope Babalobi  babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: http://qrco.de/babalobi Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CpNBXTvL4dv7eyO3M7bHOV Luke 5 vs 1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, Join WhatsApp… Continue reading The Gospel is about sharing the word of God.

Studying God’s Word Will Change Your Life – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

It’s a great mystery that the Bible is an increasingly neglected book. Some who check social media, texts, and emails multiple times a day think nothing of going day after day without reading God’s Word. That’s why we are spiritually starved and lack the discernment to know what’s true and what’s false. There is no… Continue reading Studying God’s Word Will Change Your Life – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

The Body of Christ Now, New Jerusalem Soon

First Corinthians 12:13 tells us that “in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free.” Whatever our nationality or status was, the Spirit has put us all into one Body. Hence Romans 12:4-5 says “For just as in one [physical] body we have many members…so we who are many… Continue reading The Body of Christ Now, New Jerusalem Soon

Podcast: The Pursuit of Holiness with Terry Feix

Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. The Pursuit of Holinessby Jerry Bridges is a highly recommended book for all Christians. This book will help you get excited about pursuing holiness and nurture a passion for living life to the glory of God. Bridges lived from 1929-2016. He was a prominent figure in… Continue reading Podcast: The Pursuit of Holiness with Terry Feix

Book of Obadiah: Edomites and the sin of pride

Do you ever find yourself struggling with pride in your daily life as a Christian?  It is a common challenge we all face.  In the bustling world we live in, humility can sometimes feel like a scarce commodity. However, the Book of Obadiah offers valuable insights into the dangers of pride and the consequences it… Continue reading Book of Obadiah: Edomites and the sin of pride

Meet the Holy Spirit – Enjoying the Journey

How well do you know the Holy Spirit? Many live their entire Christian life with the Spirit of God within, and yet fail to understand how He works in and through the believer. A true and growing knowledge of God includes knowledge of all three members of the Godhead – the Father, the Son, and… Continue reading Meet the Holy Spirit – Enjoying the Journey