Little Known Bible Characters: Iddo

Trnava - The neo-gothic fresco of big prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel by Leopold Bruckner from end of 19. cent. in Saint Nicholas church.

When I read the Bible and someone is named that I am not too familiar with, it makes me curious. I’ll never get tired of studying Paul or Peter or John or Stephen or Lydia…but then someone is mentioned and I go “Another person to get to know! Who was h/she?” Like, Tychicus, Eutychus (the… Continue reading Little Known Bible Characters: Iddo

Miraculous moments: Are modern-day miracles real

In 2015, a young boy named John Smith fell through the ice on a Missouri lake and was submerged for 15 minutes.  After being pulled out and rushed to the hospital, he was declared dead for over an hour.  However, against all expectations, he spontaneously started breathing and eventually fully recovered.  Medical experts struggled to… Continue reading Miraculous moments: Are modern-day miracles real

Why we should not trust our emotions

Have you ever made a snap decision based on how you felt in the heat of the moment, only to regret it later?  Our emotions are powerful and can steer us in good and bad directions.  Although emotions are a gift from God, they make life colorful and meaningful. But should we trust them unquestioningly?… Continue reading Why we should not trust our emotions

How to learn from our mistakes

Making mistakes is inevitable since we live in an imperfect world, but we could make something beautiful from our mistakes when we learned from them.  God is not looking for Believers who never make mistakes. He appreciates and seeks those willing to learn from their wrongdoings and decisions.  It is something that we can do… Continue reading How to learn from our mistakes

25 Quotes about loving difficult people

Difficult people are everywhere, whether at work, home, school, or church. Since we live in a broken, sin-filled world, we cannot help but encounter or be with someone who is challenging to love or to be with. We could also be difficult people; others may find us challenging to love. However, loving people who are… Continue reading 25 Quotes about loving difficult people

‘Serving the least of these’: A Christian duty to feed the hungry

In the mid-20th century, Calcutta was marred by extreme poverty, overpopulation, and unsanitary living conditions.  Mother Teresa, born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, felt a deep calling to alleviate the suffering she witnessed daily.  In 1950, she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation dedicated to serving the poor and marginalized. Her mission centered on preventing… Continue reading ‘Serving the least of these’: A Christian duty to feed the hungry

Christian music: Songs to calm your anxiety

When anxiety grips your heart, music can be your comforting friend.  It allows you to express your emotions, like a safety valve for your soul; helps you stay focused on the present moment, taking your mind off your worries; and distracts you from the things causing you stress. For Christians, especially, music holds a special… Continue reading Christian music: Songs to calm your anxiety

Trust and knowledge: Why learn the Bible

For many Christians, the Bible is not just a book, but the cornerstone of their faith, source of wisdom, and guide for living a meaningful life.  However, some may find it challenging to delve into the depths of scripture. They believe that an unwavering trust in God is all that’s needed to maintain their faith. … Continue reading Trust and knowledge: Why learn the Bible

From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith

How far along are you in your spiritual journey?  Are you a new Christian, just embarking on the path of faith, or are you one of those who grew up in the church, accepting salvation at a young age?  Regardless of where you stand, you may have encountered something that has made you question your… Continue reading From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith