How To Lift Your Hands In Prayer? – Raising Zion

Do you lift your hands in prayer? A child lifts her hands up when she sees her dad. Every child of God lifts his hands towards God, the Heavenly Father. How we need Him for everything in our lives. Isn’t it wonderful to live daily knowing that even if the world may forsake you, the heavenly… Continue reading How To Lift Your Hands In Prayer? – Raising Zion

How to Disciple Long-Distance Grandchildren

Editor’s Note:This month on Mondays, we’ve been posting content from our brand-new 31-day challenge, Grounded in Wisdom: Sage Advice from Older Women. If you enjoy it, why not sign up for the challenge yourself or share it with a friend. Let’s get grounded in wisdom together! —Laura Elliott “Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest… Continue reading How to Disciple Long-Distance Grandchildren

Blessings in the Ashes of Our Mars Hill Experience — Nicole O’Meara

The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill, a podcast by CT Magazine, took the evangelical world by storm last year. My readers already know I think it’s excellent. Now that the podcast is finished, I’ll go so far as to say I think this should be mandatory listening for all seminary students, both as a… Continue reading Blessings in the Ashes of Our Mars Hill Experience — Nicole O’Meara

I Just Need Possible — Nicole O’Meara

After she spent an hour throwing shakas with kids, she stood before a large audience to share her story of faith and perseverance. “I don’t need easy, I just need possible,” she said. For Bethany Hamilton, world-class surfer and shark-attack survivor, those hope-filled words are empowering. They helped her learn to do everyday activities with just one… Continue reading I Just Need Possible — Nicole O’Meara

5 Purposes for Your Suffering — Nicole O’Meara

Have you ever uttered these words (kindly or not): Years ago, I made a personal decision to stop asking, “Why me?”   Like it or not, the answer was and will always be, “Why not you?”  In a world broken by sin, nothing makes any of us immune to suffering.  The Bible makes it crystal clear in John… Continue reading 5 Purposes for Your Suffering — Nicole O’Meara

Devotional: Why, O Lord? — Nicole O’Meara

Friday playgroups were the highlight of my week. Megan was sure to have us belly laughing over her latest Boy Mom story: Boys watching cartoons naked on the couch, or peeing on each other, or dipping living room decorations in ketchup.⁠⁠Last week, after years of battling mental and physical illness, my funny friend died and… Continue reading Devotional: Why, O Lord? — Nicole O’Meara

Who is Disabled? The Paralympics and the Question of Identity — Nicole O’Meara

Waiting in line with a TV nearby, I watched two triathletes cross a finish line. One collapsed in exhaustion while her coach quickly wrapped a cool wet towel around her neck.  The other trotted by with energy to spare.  The sound on the TV was turned off which should have made it nearly impossible to… Continue reading Who is Disabled? The Paralympics and the Question of Identity — Nicole O’Meara

DEVOTIONAL: Come to Me — and rest — Nicole O’Meara

Are you weary? Worn out? Overwhelmed? I sure am! I worry about my children—should I call the school for more academic support? I worry about my parents—should I help Mom more? I worry about my health—am I being careful enough? Should I teach Sunday School again? Should I give extra to this ministry or that? My heart needs… Continue reading DEVOTIONAL: Come to Me — and rest — Nicole O’Meara

It Takes Time For Hearts to Heal — Nicole O’Meara

When I woke up from a routine procedure unable to move my legs, I could not understand what had happened. I understood the facts but the whole situation was surreal. Staggering. Preposterous. It literally felt like my mind was breaking. In time, logic set it and I began the process of accepting my disability.  However, my… Continue reading It Takes Time For Hearts to Heal — Nicole O’Meara

Suffering is Perplexing — Nicole O’Meara

I regretted not grabbing a thicker sweater the second goosebumps rose on my arms and my body began to shake. Chris draped his jacket over my shoulders, then moved strategically to block the chill wind. The temperature dipped with the sun’s last rays. At just the right moment, my sister, our photographer, shouted and we all… Continue reading Suffering is Perplexing — Nicole O’Meara