Friends and faith: What to do if you had a friend who does not believe in God

Take a moment to consider your circle of friends.  How did you all come together? Perhaps it was through a school club, a shared interest, or a mutual hobby that ignited the spark of friendship.  Now, think about your friends’ beliefs.  Are they similar to your own, rooted in the Christian faith? Or do you… Continue reading Friends and faith: What to do if you had a friend who does not believe in God


The clock ticks and it seems the day will never end. Other days time passes far too quickly and we wish we could redeem the time… To the young mother that’s sleep deprived, overwhelmed, or frustrated:  HOLD ON–treasure the time with your babies.  God has given you a precious gift. To the young family that… Continue reading HOLD ON!

Physical Rest and Better Rest

From rise-and-grind narratives on social media to “hustle culture” and everything in between, rest has gotten a bad rap in our ever-moving society. Delving into the pages of Scripture reveals a different perspective—one that champions rest as a good gift given by God Himself.  In the opening chapters of Genesis, we witness God the Creator… Continue reading Physical Rest and Better Rest

The reality of missions to a dangerous place: Adoniram Judson

Reposted from Twitter, written by Josh Buice. I often post mission-minded posts, to remind us of the importance of evangelizing the lost not just near, but far. Here, I re-post a thread from Twitter written by Josh Buice. The letter from Judson to Ann’s father was extremely touching and reminded me once again of the… Continue reading The reality of missions to a dangerous place: Adoniram Judson


Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky., over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground’.” God saw that all He… Continue reading WORK AS SACRED

Fine Wine, Real Life, & How to Actually Choose Joy

Only two words. Two words I pray for the grace to live until I die. Choose joy. They are so easy to say. But when life hits the fan, how actually can we “choose joy”?  My answer has to do with fine wine. Not drinking it—being it. But to be fine wine, to choose joy, we need eight more… Continue reading Fine Wine, Real Life, & How to Actually Choose Joy

The Privileged Life: Looking for Hidden Treasure?

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes andsells all that he has andbuys that field.” (Matthew 13:44) If you’ve ever viewed “Antiques Roadshow,” “American Pickers,” and other television series of this ilk, you’ve watched ordinary people discover… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Looking for Hidden Treasure?