In the mid-20th century, Calcutta was marred by extreme poverty, overpopulation, and unsanitary living conditions. Mother Teresa, born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, felt a deep calling to alleviate the suffering she witnessed daily. In 1950, she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation dedicated to serving the poor and marginalized. Her mission centered on preventing… Continue reading ‘Serving the least of these’: A Christian duty to feed the hungry
Author: Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.
Christian music: Songs to calm your anxiety
When anxiety grips your heart, music can be your comforting friend. It allows you to express your emotions, like a safety valve for your soul; helps you stay focused on the present moment, taking your mind off your worries; and distracts you from the things causing you stress. For Christians, especially, music holds a special… Continue reading Christian music: Songs to calm your anxiety
Trust and knowledge: Why learn the Bible
For many Christians, the Bible is not just a book, but the cornerstone of their faith, source of wisdom, and guide for living a meaningful life. However, some may find it challenging to delve into the depths of scripture. They believe that an unwavering trust in God is all that’s needed to maintain their faith. … Continue reading Trust and knowledge: Why learn the Bible
From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith
How far along are you in your spiritual journey? Are you a new Christian, just embarking on the path of faith, or are you one of those who grew up in the church, accepting salvation at a young age? Regardless of where you stand, you may have encountered something that has made you question your… Continue reading From believer to unbeliever: Why do people lose faith
Friends and faith: What to do if you had a friend who does not believe in God
Take a moment to consider your circle of friends. How did you all come together? Perhaps it was through a school club, a shared interest, or a mutual hobby that ignited the spark of friendship. Now, think about your friends’ beliefs. Are they similar to your own, rooted in the Christian faith? Or do you… Continue reading Friends and faith: What to do if you had a friend who does not believe in God
The clock ticks and it seems the day will never end. Other days time passes far too quickly and we wish we could redeem the time… To the young mother that’s sleep deprived, overwhelmed, or frustrated: HOLD ON–treasure the time with your babies. God has given you a precious gift. To the young family that… Continue reading HOLD ON!
Physical Rest and Better Rest
From rise-and-grind narratives on social media to “hustle culture” and everything in between, rest has gotten a bad rap in our ever-moving society. Delving into the pages of Scripture reveals a different perspective—one that champions rest as a good gift given by God Himself. In the opening chapters of Genesis, we witness God the Creator… Continue reading Physical Rest and Better Rest
Let’s Stop Redefining Sin
I remember the first time I heard a cuss word on TV. I remember the show; I remember the scene. My reaction was, “Whoa. They just pushed the envelope.” Some would laugh today if I mentioned the show and what was said. It now surely falls into the category of “what’s-the-big-deal?” If I used this… Continue reading Let’s Stop Redefining Sin
The reality of missions to a dangerous place: Adoniram Judson
Reposted from Twitter, written by Josh Buice. I often post mission-minded posts, to remind us of the importance of evangelizing the lost not just near, but far. Here, I re-post a thread from Twitter written by Josh Buice. The letter from Judson to Ann’s father was extremely touching and reminded me once again of the… Continue reading The reality of missions to a dangerous place: Adoniram Judson
Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky., over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground’.” God saw that all He… Continue reading WORK AS SACRED