
Bible Unfinished projects lurking in the corner. To-do list covered with stacks of mail. Half-written posts hanging in the balance. Piled up papers wait to be filed. Clothes in a sewing basket beckoning a needle. And all I want to do is hold my grandbabies. Laugh with my husband. And spend time with my Savior. Weeping away… Continue reading Just.BE.

What really matters in life as Christians

Being a Christian does not excuse us from doing many things to survive. We still work and fulfill our roles at home and in the church. We become so busy with so many things that sometimes we forget what matters in life. As we become Christ’s followers and discover more about His words, our priorities… Continue reading What really matters in life as Christians


Bible Trapped. Bound. Fear and doubt and darkness and hopelessness. Shame and regret. SIN SELFISHNESS and SEPARATION from the God who created me. Who LOVES me. WHO RESCUES ME. From sin. From myself. Return to your rest, my soul,for the Lord has been good to you.  For You, Lord, rescued me from death,my eyes from tears,my feet from stumbling.… Continue reading Rescued

Ode to Color

Categories Tags Year Follow Me 31 Days of Proverbs Follow on WordPress.com Categories Categories My Tweets Top Posts & Pages Recent Posts: Doug Munton Don’t Wait “I’m not a procrastinator!” That is my new go to saying whenever my wife notes something I need to do. Instead of waiting (and then forgetting), I’m trying to… Continue reading Ode to Color

Wednesday Wisdom

Bible It’s simple, really. Reading Proverbs this morning, I saw it clearly. Following God involves two simple commands: “Love My Word”, and “Live it.” Sometimes we try to complicate it, but these simple words of wisdom from Proverbs are a great reminder for us today. Study His Word.  There is nothing in this world more life-changing that… Continue reading Wednesday Wisdom