Every spring, for the past six years, I have watched the farmer plow his field. Our home is built on the northern-most street in our home town, and adjacent to our back yard is the field you see in the photograph. The farmer attacks this field every spring like clockwork, and it always occurs at… Continue reading Five Reasons Your Role in the Body of Christ is Important – Damon J. Gray
Author: Crossmap Blogs
Crossmap.com is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.
His Banner Over Me is Love — grateful, yet grieving
Don’t you love clouds? You see shapes in clouds all the time and it’s fun to figure out what they look like. I took a photograph of the clouds in the above picture on February 15, 2019. I was at work looking out my office window, on a slightly overcast day. I couldn’t believe what… Continue reading His Banner Over Me is Love — grateful, yet grieving
Ground Foolishness
By Elizabeth Prata Though you pound the fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, His foolishness still will not leave him. (Proverbs 27:22) Proverbs is interesting. I don’t usually know what they mean, though. They take time to unearth the nuggets of wisdom embedded in each and every one. I read the verse above… Continue reading Ground Foolishness
Sunday Stillness – Isaiah 35:2.
Sunday Stillness – Isaiah 35:2 Finally this week I planted my garden. This spring has been cold, rainy and it hasn’t been the right time to get outside and plant. I had a wonderful time. I love getting my hands into the dirt. I never use gloves. On the other hand, my hubby hates to put… Continue reading Sunday Stillness – Isaiah 35:2.
You Can Change Yourself
Just reading billboards on a road trip is enough to realize that people want to change their lives. Whether it be physical, financial, or relational, there are a vast range of self-help industries that have sprung up around the world’s insatiable demand for self-improvement. In effect, they perpetuate a lie that dominates the world: you… Continue reading You Can Change Yourself
The Danger of Overconfidence, Part 2
This series was first published during September 2014. –ed. A gun-toting, beer-drinking, foul-mouthed “pastor” recently made headlines when he was arrested for driving while intoxicated. In an emotional apology to the church, he confessed he had been abusing alcohol for years. While the extent of his drinking had been kept relatively private until then, he… Continue reading The Danger of Overconfidence, Part 2
Reviving an Ancient Lie
This post was originally published in June 2014. –ed. The book of 1 John is all about separating truth from error. Specifically, it’s about testing yourself to see if your faith is authentic. And when it comes to defending against the poisonous influence of false teaching, those tests are as vital today as they were when… Continue reading Reviving an Ancient Lie
Sin and the Work of Christ
This post was originally published in June 2014. –ed. What did Jesus set out to accomplish? Did His death and resurrection have any practical effect for this life, or was it all focused on eternity? Consider this: the holy Son of God set aside His glory, humbled Himself by taking the form of a man, lived… Continue reading Sin and the Work of Christ
The Truth About Evil
This series, first published in January of 2017, answers many of the common questions—asked today by believers and unbelievers alike—about why evil flourishes in this world while God remains sovereign over it. -ed. How can a good and powerful God tolerate all the evil in the world? That question—frequently posed by skeptics and liberal theologians—is… Continue reading The Truth About Evil
John MacArthur on God’s Consistent Love
This series was first published in June, 2016. –ed. God’s attributes don’t compete against one another for importance. His love doesn’t override everything else He says about Himself. Moreover, love isn’t something that God discovered in the New Testament, thus abandoning His earlier dominant attributes of justice and wrath. The transition from Malachi to Matthew… Continue reading John MacArthur on God’s Consistent Love