Winning The Battle to Be Blessed

TODAY’S BLESSING – GENESIS 49:1-2 Faced with the coming of his last days, Jacob gathered his sons to speak prophetically into theirs. The Bible calls these proclamations, “blessings”, although several would not meet our modern criteria for the same. Some of these utterances must have been hard to hear. Some may be hard for us to… Continue reading Winning The Battle to Be Blessed

Your marriage is blessed

Your marriage is blessed  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Genesis 5 vs 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. Republished with permission from, featuring inspiring Bible verses about marriage.

Blessed Assurance

This series was first published in January 2019. -ed. God is holy and we are sinful. Those two inescapable truths should frame our entire worldview. They also explain the terror God’s saints always felt during the divine encounters recorded in Scripture. It shouldn’t surprise us that even the apostle John collapsed “like a dead man”… Continue reading Blessed Assurance

The Gospel of The Kingdom — House of David Ministries

I never expected to write about the Gospel. And yet, I find myself needing to clarify the biblical Gospel in the light of a rising movement, even within the church, redefining what the Bible says about this subject. If you search on the internet, you will quickly discover some of the many other gospels out there. There… Continue reading The Gospel of The Kingdom — House of David Ministries