7 Minutes of Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 and Body Image Fear

Today we look at Matthew 6:25-34 — a familiar passage in the Bible where Jesus tells us not to worry. But his instruction isn’t generic. He tells us not to worry about a few specific things — he says don’t worry about food, drink, and clothing. What? Isn’t this what this whole show is about? Body image fear? Here… Continue reading 7 Minutes of Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 and Body Image Fear

What does the Bible say about hell?

Hope this helps you understand this controversial topic. For 14 years, I’ve been seeking to understand what the Bible says about hell, the Jewish background, and the church’s understanding. Here are the results. You may be surprised how few references there are. The main word (Gehenna) occurs just 12 times. Another word (hades) describes the… Continue reading What does the Bible say about hell?

Sermon on Bible scripture: Ye are Gods

Sermon on Bible scripture: Ye are Gods Posted on February 16, 2014 What does the Bible in Genesis 1 vs 27 and Psalm 82 vs 6 by “Ye are gods’? Why does God call human beings gods? Prayers – The God in me, manifest in Jesus name This entry was posted in God and tagged babatopebabalobi, Bible, Bible lesson, Christian, Faith, God, Jesus, Prayers, sermon, Sermons, Trust. Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring… Continue reading Sermon on Bible scripture: Ye are Gods

What Does The Bible Say About Jealousy? A Warning To Avoid This Sinful Desire

Our world today is corrupted by the greed of evil desires. Instead of loving; they hate. Celebrating a friend’s success has also become a thorn in the flesh for others. It is time every human pay attention to what the Bible says about jealousy Have you felt jealous of someone before? I believe about 99.9% of my… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Jealousy? A Warning To Avoid This Sinful Desire

‘Theology of Periods’: Christian author shares women’s silent struggles with taboo topic

Book explores what the Bible says to women about their menstrual cycles, coping with suffering and pain By Nicole Alcindor, CP Reporter| Friday, October 29, 2021 After writing a book series on prayer, including how to pray during a global crisis, author Rachel Jones pondered over what issue her next book would tackle.  The first words that came… Continue reading ‘Theology of Periods’: Christian author shares women’s silent struggles with taboo topic

Dear DM, Misleading Meme? – Divorce Minister

Dear DM, Longtime reader here. Thank you for your good work. I recently saw a facebook post by someone that I think is misleading. It says what sinners many key bible figures were, and says God qualifies the called. I thought of you when I read it, and how you clarify God expects remorse and… Continue reading Dear DM, Misleading Meme? – Divorce Minister

Can we eat the meat and spit out the bones?

By Elizabeth Prata The Bible says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2). Only the pure word of God transforms the mind. Strive to… Continue reading Can we eat the meat and spit out the bones?

Bible verses about eternal LIFE or DEATH for the souls

What the Bible says about spiritual DEATH Our choice when it comes to our permanent future seems to be a) eternal life, or b) eternal death. If the first realm is eternal (staying alive for ever in the kingdom of God) it makes sense to assume that also the latter realm is equally eternal (staying… Continue reading Bible verses about eternal LIFE or DEATH for the souls

The Ultimate Guide to Fasting in the Bible

Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about fasting? Or even the types of fasting in the Bible? Perhaps you’ve considered fasting and were curious what the rewards and benefits of a biblical fast were. We’re going to cover all that and more in this post so that you can learn more about fasting… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Fasting in the Bible