We Don’t Define What Love Is in Scripture—God Does – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

If we asked people to vote on a divine character quality they most appreciate, God’s love would surely receive far more votes than His holiness. Christians tend to reflect our culture, and because our culture values love and devalues holiness, we do the same. We have taken one precious divine attribute, love, defined it as… Continue reading We Don’t Define What Love Is in Scripture—God Does – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

What the Bible Says About Confidence and 15 Prayers for Confidence to Help You Walk as the Child of the King

What the Bible Says About Confidence To have confidence in yourself and your abilities can, at times, feel like it is sacrilegious. So how do we gain the faith to be confident? There are many reasons why someone may not trust their capabilities, but when you know who YOU really belong to, there’s no limit… Continue reading What the Bible Says About Confidence and 15 Prayers for Confidence to Help You Walk as the Child of the King

Sex In A Christian Marriage What The Bible Surprisingly Says And Doesn’t Say About Christian Sex

Sex in a Christian marriage is a beautiful, God-designed act. It is not only for procreation but for pleasure. God created sex in a Christian marriage for us to have physical, spiritual, and emotional intimacy with our partners. I’ve received several emails on what is ok and what is not regarding sex in the Christian marriage.… Continue reading Sex In A Christian Marriage What The Bible Surprisingly Says And Doesn’t Say About Christian Sex

What the Bible Says About Being Unequally Yoked: Relationships, Business, and Unequally Yoked Marriage

Unequally yoked. We hear of it in church and probably read about it online or in Bible Studies, but what does it mean? Before we look at the verse from which this phrase comes, let’s first look at the phrase itself. I loved this simple explanation from Got Questions.org:  A yoke is a wooden bar that joins… Continue reading What the Bible Says About Being Unequally Yoked: Relationships, Business, and Unequally Yoked Marriage

What The Bible Says About Prayer – Part 3 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

What The Bible Says About Prayer – Part 3 In Part 1 we began to look at what the Bible says about prayer, in terms of our relationship with God.  In Part 2 we continued to look at what the Bible says about prayer.  And what God wants it to be, in terms of our fellowship with Him. A… Continue reading What The Bible Says About Prayer – Part 3 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

“Believing” the Bible While Denying What It Says – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

I’ve been spending some time in Psalm 1 recently and have been reminded just how important delighting and meditating on God’s Word is. Here’s how the CSB renders it (note the use of “happy” in verse one for the Hebrew asher, often translated “blessed”): 1 How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or… Continue reading “Believing” the Bible While Denying What It Says – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Is Retirement Biblically Acceptable? | You Must Know What The Bible Says

Christians are working hard both in the ministry and in their respective professions. They need a successful future for fun and relaxation in their old age, but is retirement Biblically acceptable? In our 21st century, millennials in particular are much concerned about how to build a successful future without breaking God’s Word. Interestingly, Christians have… Continue reading Is Retirement Biblically Acceptable? | You Must Know What The Bible Says

More Thoughts on Gluttony: What the Bible Says Part 2

The June 16th episode on gluttony caught many listeners by surprise, so today Heather revisits this topic to go even deeper into what the Bible says about gluttony. Heather delves into the topic of gluttony again and provides listeners with tools to think critically about what it means according to Scripture, not bloggers or internet… Continue reading More Thoughts on Gluttony: What the Bible Says Part 2

What is Gluttony, Really? What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony

Today Heather digs into the topic of gluttony. So many of us have been taught in the church that gluttony equals overeating. We’ve felt shame, guilt, and stress as we’ve tried to not be “gluttonous” in the way we’ve related to food. And, in that desire and pursuit of not committing this sin, we’ve been… Continue reading What is Gluttony, Really? What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony

Understand What The Bible Says About Worrying And Its Effects

The Bible says don’t worry about anything you require to live a happy and healthy life. Worrying could put your life into a serious emotional and physical problems. Whereas Doctors want you to control your anxieties; so as the Bible. Do you want to Know what the Bible says about worrying about things happening in… Continue reading Understand What The Bible Says About Worrying And Its Effects