The Book of the Prophet Micah – Part 1

The Prophet MicahRussian Orthodox Icon of the Prophet Micah (18th Century)Kizhi Monastery, Karelia, Russia Early in my seminary education, I developed an interest in studying the prophet Micah. One of my professors told me that my interest in Micah came because of my background as a pastor working with poor and oppressed people in California.… Continue reading The Book of the Prophet Micah – Part 1

The Wiles of Satan: A Book Recommendation

By Elizabeth Prata I love to read the Puritans. Darrell Harrison, Dean of Digital Platforms at Grace To You Media, recommended this book, so I took a look. It’s The Wiles of Satan, by the previously unheard of Puritan William Spurstowe. DB Harrison said: “Of all the Puritan books I’ve read, I have to say this… Continue reading The Wiles of Satan: A Book Recommendation

The Book of Judges – A Hermeneia Commentary

Mark S. Smith and Elizabeth M. Bloch-Smith, Judges 1: A Commentary on Judges 1:1 – 10:5. Hermeneia. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2021. ISBN 978-0800660628. $85.00. lviii + 864 pp. I am a frequent user and an enthusiastic promoter of the Hermeneia commentaries. The Hermeneia commentaries are scholarly commentaries that seek to explore and explain every detail of… Continue reading The Book of Judges – A Hermeneia Commentary

An Introduction to the Book of Joel

The Prophet Joelby MichelangeloThe Sistine Chapel The prophecy of Joel came out of his experience with the intense swarm of locust that attacked the Judean countryside. Joel detected in that profoundly disturbing event a sign of the approaching Day of Yahweh with its terrifying judgment. Joel was the son of Pethuel. Nothing is known about… Continue reading An Introduction to the Book of Joel

Studies on the Book of Genesis

The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament. Genesis is also the first book of the Pentateuch, also known as “the five books of Moses.” The name of the book comes from the Greek word genesis (γένεσις) which means “beginning.” The Hebrew name is bereshith (בראשית), a name taken from the first word of the… Continue reading Studies on the Book of Genesis

A Book of Remembrance

Yesterday we looked at the story of Esther and the favour that she found with the king. Today we will look at how God also allowed her uncle Mordecai to find favour because he refused to bow to Haman. Haman was promoted by the King and all the King’s men who served at the gate… Continue reading A Book of Remembrance