By Elizabeth Prata The Bible says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2). Only the pure word of God transforms the mind. Strive to… Continue reading Can we eat the meat and spit out the bones?
Author: Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.
Bible verses about eternal LIFE or DEATH for the souls
What the Bible says about spiritual DEATH Our choice when it comes to our permanent future seems to be a) eternal life, or b) eternal death. If the first realm is eternal (staying alive for ever in the kingdom of God) it makes sense to assume that also the latter realm is equally eternal (staying… Continue reading Bible verses about eternal LIFE or DEATH for the souls
The Ultimate Guide to Fasting in the Bible
Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about fasting? Or even the types of fasting in the Bible? Perhaps you’ve considered fasting and were curious what the rewards and benefits of a biblical fast were. We’re going to cover all that and more in this post so that you can learn more about fasting… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Fasting in the Bible
God’s Promises: No Expiration Date
Have you ever eaten something, only to realize that it was past its shelf life? Or maybe you drank something, only to realize that it was past its expiration date. It isn’t a happy experience, is it? I love it when things don’t have shelf lives. And I’m very glad there is no shelf life on the… Continue reading God’s Promises: No Expiration Date
Bible Scriptures on qualities of a good wife
Bible Scriptures on qualities of a good wife Posted on September 20, 2012 Updated on September 14, 2012 What does the Bible says about a woman, married or not, who is not a wife-material? Someone who probably should know is the man, called the wisest man ever, who sampled one thousand women, having seven hundred wives and three hundred… Continue reading Bible Scriptures on qualities of a good wife
Your Biggest Decision of All
We’ve all experienced indecision at one time or another. Some people are indecisive by nature. Generally, I’m not one of those people. In fact, I tend to be overly opinionated about too many things. I have very strong opinions on the best food to eat, the best restaurants, the best this and the best that.… Continue reading Your Biggest Decision of All
“Judge Not” and the Importance of Discernment – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries
In this video and the following transcript, I share some thoughts: A reader asked me, “You say in a blog post that the most quoted verse these days is ‘Judge not.’ Can you give some insight into this verse? How do we know if we’re judging correctly or not?” This is a great question. Let’s look at Matthew 7:1-2: Do… Continue reading “Judge Not” and the Importance of Discernment – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries
Translating the Bible: The Problem of Untranslated Hebrew Words
Bible Translations People of faith enjoy reading the Bible because through the reading of the sacred text God speaks to them. As people read the Bible, it is important for them to understand what the text says so that they may apply the words of Scriptures in such way that they are edified and, at… Continue reading Translating the Bible: The Problem of Untranslated Hebrew Words
God’s Wonderful Promises – Pursuing Intimacy With God
God’s Wonderful Promises In this series of articles and Bible studies on God’s Wonderful Promises we will learn many of the promises God has made in His Word. There are thousands of promises in God’s Word the Bible. And as we will see, when God promises something He will deliver. God will always do what… Continue reading God’s Wonderful Promises – Pursuing Intimacy With God
Are we too familiar with Jesus?
Easter weekend is one of the most highly attended weekends for churches. Most churches are full of their normal attendees and have a high percentage of visitors or people who stop by for the main Christian holidays. My husband wanted to invite some people who don’t normal go to church to come with us. Admittedly,… Continue reading Are we too familiar with Jesus?