Christians are working hard both in the ministry and in their respective professions. They need a successful future for fun and relaxation in their old age, but is retirement Biblically acceptable? In our 21st century, millennials in particular are much concerned about how to build a successful future without breaking God’s Word. Interestingly, Christians have… Continue reading Is Retirement Biblically Acceptable? | You Must Know What The Bible Says
Author: Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.
More Thoughts on Gluttony: What the Bible Says Part 2
The June 16th episode on gluttony caught many listeners by surprise, so today Heather revisits this topic to go even deeper into what the Bible says about gluttony. Heather delves into the topic of gluttony again and provides listeners with tools to think critically about what it means according to Scripture, not bloggers or internet… Continue reading More Thoughts on Gluttony: What the Bible Says Part 2
What is Gluttony, Really? What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony
Today Heather digs into the topic of gluttony. So many of us have been taught in the church that gluttony equals overeating. We’ve felt shame, guilt, and stress as we’ve tried to not be “gluttonous” in the way we’ve related to food. And, in that desire and pursuit of not committing this sin, we’ve been… Continue reading What is Gluttony, Really? What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony
Understand What The Bible Says About Worrying And Its Effects
The Bible says don’t worry about anything you require to live a happy and healthy life. Worrying could put your life into a serious emotional and physical problems. Whereas Doctors want you to control your anxieties; so as the Bible. Do you want to Know what the Bible says about worrying about things happening in… Continue reading Understand What The Bible Says About Worrying And Its Effects
What does the bible says about Cultism – Christian Personal Development
Yes, what does the bible says about Cultism? That was a topic I was helped to treat by the Holy Spirit in a youth group I coordinate. How does the bible or God’s Word want you to react to secret cult invitation or pressure? Let us look at the details of the simple message I… Continue reading What does the bible says about Cultism – Christian Personal Development
Knowing What The Bible Says About Discrimination In Life
The world discriminates against the innocent without a second thought. God’s love for all humans has been despised by wickedness. What does the Bible say about discrimination? Have you ever been hated or discriminated against before? I guess you have. It happens to almost everyone. However, this doesn’t mean we should call it “human nature.”… Continue reading Knowing What The Bible Says About Discrimination In Life
What the Bible Says About Women
If someone had told me I would be discussing the Bible with my critique friend, I’d say that person was dreaming. Not going to happen. Nope. Never. Not that I would be averse to such a discussion, but I was sure she wouldn’t go for it. She’d wondered why choosing to divorce my husband had… Continue reading What the Bible Says About Women
The God Who Answers Prayer
Now when the people complained in the hearing of the LORD about their misfortunes, the LORD heard it and his anger was kindled. Then the fire of the LORD burned against them, and consumed some outlying parts of the camp. But the people cried out to Moses; and Moses prayed to the LORD, and the… Continue reading The God Who Answers Prayer
Some Thoughts on Prayer
I was praying about some difficulties the other day. And these were some thoughts I wrote down afterwards. 1. We don’t need to be afraid to be honest with God. We’re not praying to impress Him–we’re praying because we need His help. We can tell Him everything–the good, the bad and the ugly. He knows it… Continue reading Some Thoughts on Prayer
Does Prayer Really Work?
In recent years there have been studies done on the effects of intercessoryprayer for the sick. One study says thatthe people who were prayed for actually did worse than those who were notprayed for. According to a study done by Harvard Medical School, “In a clear setback for those whobelieve in the power of prayer, their prayers were… Continue reading Does Prayer Really Work?