Do You Pray for Wisdom? – Growing Through God’s Word

Do You Pray for Wisdom? by Violet Nesdoly (reprinted in part – with permission) TODAY’S SPECIAL: James 1:1-27 TO CHEW ON: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5 If you’re like me you know this verse, have it memorized, and… Continue reading Do You Pray for Wisdom? – Growing Through God’s Word

Increasing Awareness of God’s Presence Through Prayer – Serenity in Suffering

We are all familiar with the truth of God’s Presence with us through the Holy Spirit. But how many of us truly experience His Presence throughout our days? Personally, I enjoy a robust quiet time early in the morning, which then continues during my drive to work. During this time I sense the Lord’s Presence… Continue reading Increasing Awareness of God’s Presence Through Prayer – Serenity in Suffering

What’s the use of praying

Ever found yourself in a place where you feel angry, annoyed, frustrated, downhearted, and feel a little bitter towards God? Well I have, and I’m sure that several other Christians have also felt this way too. It’s not abnormal to express emotions of annoyance over why God let a specific circumstance, pan out the way… Continue reading What’s the use of praying

Construction Work

Dark gray skies hung over the skyline. Persistent rain fell across the entire city as we headed for home. Traffic snarled and crept along, making the drive even more miserable. Signs appeared along the edge of the freeway announcing a construction zone ahead. Deep sighs escaped our lips as we prepared for more delays. I… Continue reading Construction Work

Redwoods and Faith

(Photo: Unsplash) For my husband’s birthday, we checked off an item on our bucket list instead of presents. He wanted to visit the Redwood Forest of Northern California. so, we traveled to Humboldt County to drive along the Avenue of the Giants. This famed road through the redwoods is one of the finest forest drives in… Continue reading Redwoods and Faith

Finding a Fresh Approach to the Story of Christmas

I’m going to pull back the curtain for a moment and reveal a secret about preachers. We struggle every year creating Christmas sermons. It’s not that we don’t want to preach about this great event, but how do we tell the Christmas story without it sounding like last year’s Christmas sermon … or the one… Continue reading Finding a Fresh Approach to the Story of Christmas

Psalm 50:3- God’s ‘Terrible majesty’

By Elizabeth Prata Think of who God really is. Over the years through sermons, pamphlets, Sunday School curricula, podcasts, and books- we see repeated whittling of our august, holy God down to a weak boyfriend pleading with people to walk down the aisle and “accept Him,” or a heavenly butler willing to tolerate anything we… Continue reading Psalm 50:3- God’s ‘Terrible majesty’

“Unto Us A Child Is Born”: Isaiah 9:1-7

This study of Isaiah 9:1-7 is a continuation of a series of studies on preaching from the Old Testament. These studies are derived from a series of Advent sermons preached at Trinity Baptist Church of Chicago, the church where I have served as the senior pastor for more than twenty years. The Text 1 But there will… Continue reading “Unto Us A Child Is Born”: Isaiah 9:1-7

Who Is Charles Spurgeon? Biography, wife, Achievements And Death

The world has seen prolific Christian writers and preachers whose legacies are worth remembering. Such is Charles Spurgeon who actively defended the Word of God until his death. The Bible —being the Word of God has gone through several oppositions and scrutiny. Many have been martyred, others willfully held on to the faith in Christ… Continue reading Who Is Charles Spurgeon? Biography, wife, Achievements And Death