Yesterday we looked at the story of Esther and the favour that she found with the king. Today we will look at how God also allowed her uncle Mordecai to find favour because he refused to bow to Haman. Haman was promoted by the King and all the King’s men who served at the gate… Continue reading A Book of Remembrance
Author: Crossmap Blogs is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.
Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah
The Prophet Jeremiahby MichelangeloFrom the Sistine Chapel Ceiling The book of Jeremiah has more biographical material than any of the other prophetic books, enabling us to see the inner life of an Old Testament prophet. Much of what is known about the last days of Judah and of the troubled events related to the fall… Continue reading Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah
Sufferers and the Book of Job
The post below is an excerpt from my book Job and the Problem of Suffering. The greatest satisfaction Job derived from his ordeal and subsequent encounter with God was the knowledge that God had been with him the entire time of his ordeal and the assurance that God, whose nearness he prized above all, was with… Continue reading Sufferers and the Book of Job
Introduction to the Book of Job
Jobby Léon Bonnat (1880) The book of Job presents a series of reflections on the meaning of life. One of its main emphases is the problem of the suffering of the innocent. However, the book of Job does not provide an answer to the problem of human suffering. The book of Job is also a… Continue reading Introduction to the Book of Job
Introduction to the Book of Exodus
The Book of Exodus is the second book of the Pentateuch, the five books which are attributed to Moses. The Book of Exodus deals with the deliverance of Israel from their servitude in Egypt by the powerful hands of Yahweh, Israel’s God: “I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you… Continue reading Introduction to the Book of Exodus
The Book of Ecclesiastes in Outline
Over the years, as I taught Old Testament to hundreds of students, I distributed an outline in class that would help students follow the lectures. Instead of being busy with taking notes, notes that would be incomplete because no one can write as fast as one speaks, students followed the outline and had time to… Continue reading The Book of Ecclesiastes in Outline
Studies on the Book of Judges
The book of Judges deals with a period in the history of Israel which some scholars call the “dark age.” The reason scholars use this description to identify this period in the history of Israel is because the information found in the book of Judges is not sufficient to provide a comprehensive understanding of the… Continue reading Studies on the Book of Judges
The Beginning of the End | The Book of Revelation
Welcome to Real Life. It (real life) is getting scary! Don’t wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects. –Roger Zelaznyr “Wow! These prices are crazy-high,” I commented to the woman standing in line with me at the cold-cut counter. “This inflation is scary.” “Yes, it is. It’s biblical… Continue reading The Beginning of the End | The Book of Revelation
Background On The Book Of Philippians
Background on the book of Philippians begins with its author–the Apostle Paul. He wrote it as a letter to the church while he was imprisoned in Rome. Here are other elements that form the background on the book of Philippians. Background on the book of Philippians involves the city of Philippi The city of Philippi… Continue reading Background On The Book Of Philippians
Four Minutes of Beauty and Wonder – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries
This amazing four-minute slow motion video, excerpted from a TED Talk, shows what happens in God’s world that we normally don’t get to see at all, and virtually never in this way. It includes bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and creatures that will remain anonymous until you see them. Watching this causes me to worship our Creator God,… Continue reading Four Minutes of Beauty and Wonder – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries